Originally Posted By: kshepard This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Square-D service panel, 6 mo. old.
Had a label but it contained nothing indicating the location of the bonding device. No strap, might typically have been the third screw down on the gounding bus bar but you couldn’t confirm that by looking, all the screw heads looked the same. Unable to see a bus bar screw in contact with the back of the panel.
No one wants to be the one to pay to get an electrician out there to confirm the bond. It was probably passed by a building Inspector 6 mo. ago, but since I couldn’t see it, I called it.
Any suggestions on how to spot bonding devices under these conditions?
Originally Posted By: kshepard This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Although there was no bonding location specified on the label, there was something written on the label that hinted at the location in your photo as being a possible bonding location… I don’t remember exactly what the wording was, it’s been a week, I should have taken a photo, but I do remember that the screw hole identified in your photo as the bonding location was empty in this service panel.