Logo nonsense

Having a logo to put on ones site doesn’t mean Jack----
Any certification by any association should require education along with documentation proof.

Here is my LOGO

How much??

How much what?

The 4 day 32 hour course was $1395.00 back in '06


I want to thank you very much for my Certificate for Level 1 Infrared training. I just saved myself $1,750.00. You are the man…


Let your conscience be your guide :roll:
Please take the time to create a better one fo nachi

David, No sense wasting all that time with the details…:slight_smile: LOL…

David, Why not just make it a level III :slight_smile:



We will have one, soon. Working on a building science / Thermography course with John Mc.

Two days or some fairly intensive stuff.

The FLIR building science class seems to go over some stuff that is not home inspector related (residential buildings v.s. all buildings) and is somewhat short on actual applications, examples, defect recognition and proper image interpretation.

I will be adding some more science, energy audits, reporting (in the context of home inspections) and some marketing and “additional income” information.

Working on about 2 days, maybe three when it gets all refined. 2 tests a day (and they will be REAL BEARS!).

Hope this helps;

Butkus and Payton will be teaching it ??? :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: That’s Tough !!!

E X C E L L E N T !!!

Will, who told you this? This is what the whole FLIR course was about. :shock:

I know. I have seen the FLIR courses.

I , and John and some others, am putting together a course specifically for home inspectors. You know that HIs just LOVE defect recognition slides.

Just ribbin’ ya, Will. I’m well aware of your knowledge and experience in this arena and can’t wait for a BBQ thermal class. :smiley:

Our class will be geared for the home inspector and cut to the chase on what to look for and how to do it.

You want it, you’ve got it…


All kidding aside, I’m looking forward to your infrared class.

Will, this is great, Is this course going to be taught online or will you go on the road with?

Wow Barry good job! Outstanding! I love your LOGO.
If you go to the net you should be able to download the level VI logo. In fact if you learn how to manipulate the the search engine you can also find others with more flair and with the school name and address. You got a good deal back in 2006. Unfortunately, you can get a better certificate for free with more details if you spend a little more time.

Very nice logo! You should change the colors to reflect the TEXAS flag. Send the your logo to Nick we might be able to use it as our lead logo for InterNACHI.

You are a great example of a good home inspector with great logos and diplomas. Keep the good work. :roll:

Good luck this year!

My best regards

Just kiddin…