Originally Posted By: jeubank
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Which laboratory do you use for environmental testing results? I have been using Pro-Lab, mainly because it’s convenient to have a single source for many different types of tests. But Pro-Lab’s service has been too slow for me. Even when I have paid extra for Express service, the results have not been available in a timely manner, and their prices seem high to me when I consider the mediocre service.
So I'm wondering how other inspectors handle this? Use different labs for different tests? Or is there another all-purpose lab available? The specific tests that I have been offering are: bacteria in water, lead paint, lead in water, and radon gas (initial screening only), and a general water quality test that checks for about 10 common pollutants.
I would appreciate any suggestions you might have. I thought there was a message board thread on this topic a few weeks back, but now I can't seem to find that info.
Inspected once, inspected right throughout southern Colorado