To all home inspectors living in Missouri and/or Kansas and those that preform inspections in Missouri and/or Kansas.
On Sept 8th, 2007 there will be an 8 hour seminar in the greater Kansas City area.
There is going to be a very important discussion about the attempt in 2006 to licensed home inspector and more important what is planned by the proponents and the real estate lobbyist for getting licensor passed in 2007
So if you are concerned about how this will affect your livelihood I encourage all home inspectors that practice in Missouri and/or Kansas to attend.
David Moriconi
MAREI secretary
Email for a brochure and registration form
Please read:
Fellow Home Inspectors:
Attached is a brochure for an upcoming educational seminar to be held in Kansas City on Saturday the**** 8th of September 2007********. ****Besides providing 8 hours of continuing education and some really 1st rate training by some great speakers, there will be a 2 hour legislative session.
Many inspectors are aware of the Home Inspector legislative events that transpired in 2007 in both Kansas and in Missouri - other inspectors have been totally unaware of the deception, maneuvering, wrangling and outright lying by several special interest groups (Realtors, Attorneys, even some local home inspectors or groups) to strap states Home Inspection Industry with unreasonable and unjustified demands and Legislative Bills.
One such example was the attempt by both Trial Attorneys and Realtors to make it ****mandatory ****that Home Inspectors carry E & O Insurance AND be prohibited by law from using any type of language in their “Pre-Inspection Agreements” that would limit the inspectors liability.
No other profession including those trying to push us into legislation has those restrictions. In Missouri and in Kansas we don’t have mandatory code inspections, home builder or contractor licensing in over 3/4th of the counties. These Bills if passed could have been a COSTLY disaster for the Home Inspectors in both states. We don’t want to become these groups CASH COWS.
These were simply the wrong Bill’s, brought for the wrong reasons, by the wrong people.
The Officers and Directors at KARCI & MAREI were successful in 2007 in being able to demonstrate this to the respective state legislative committee’s and the Bills stayed in Committee.
We at KARCI & MAREI truly believe that all national associations can have merit and that as independent business men and women, YOU should be able to decide which association is best for you and your business. We’re not organization’s that say they speak for you; take your money; and then stand before the legislative committee’s and tell these Legislators you are unworthy, paper mill inspectors – we’ll leave that up to other groups.
The Legislative Session of the seminar will take you through what happened in 2007, who the key players are, who the special interest groups are and what we know is already on the special these interest groups Agenda’s for 2008 and our plans for US.
Michael Greenwalt Mark Adams
President – Elect KARCI President - MAREI
KARCI - Kansas Association of Residential & Commercial Inspectors
****MAREI ****– Missouri Association of Real Estate Inspectors
EMAIL for a brochure and registration form