
Fair enough. I will retract my agreement until it can be verified.

My apologies.

Good thing they aren’t following 8 years of utter disaster or they might have the same problem that will ensure McCain’s failure.


They are are missing Jimmy Carter so much they are trying to bring him back in the guise of Obama.

Didn’t Reagan win when Jimmy went for his second term? :wink:

Yeah your right, voting would be above his pay grade. Check this out and notice all the “NV” or not voting.

I’d say good point but look how many "NV"s for McCain.

Especially the budget, spending and taxes section!

This is not true.

Bush is the President and does not vote in Congress.

Hope this helps;


yes, but you have to look at the years included, McCain’s list goes back to 1995, Obamas goes back to 2004.

By my count Obama had the opportunity to vote 568 times, and CHOSE NOT TO VOTE 236 TIMES, ABOUT 41%.

Anyone care to comment?

Good idea deleting that message.

look at the same section for Obama

I’ll pretend you didn’t say it too.

I think everyone is more than clear about Obama’s voting record as we are more than clear McCain is a war hero. However, no one seems to say anything about McCain’s voting record, which apparently has many NVs as well.

Let’s be careful not to assign equal weight to every vote in the Senate.

The reason Obama is being criticized for voting is his propensity to vote “present” instead of yes or no when he was in the IL legislature.

Now why would he do that? That is the question that is relevant. hth

for the section you spoke of, the budget spending and taxes. out of 89 possible votes Obama has 48 “NV” or 54% of the time he didn’t bother to vote.

McCain had 139 chances to vote. He chose not to vote 58 times, or 41% of the time he didn’t bother to vote.

But it took McCain since 1995 to reach that percentage, Obama has done it in less than 4 years.

I rewrote that post, see above.

Really, that’s not that huge of a percentage difference IMO. Especially given the amount of bashing that Obama is getting for it. If it was more like 20% to 80% I would understand.

I’m sure if you broke in down year by year for McCain it would fluctuate up and down also. As would Obama’s.

Many votes, in the Senate, are non-partisan, i.e., both parties agree and there is no real contest. Case in point, the recent nuclear non-proliferation bill. For bills like this, many choose to just not vote and spend their time doing other things.

Check this out. Look up the bills that were in contention. The voting percentage for all Senators is much higher for those votes.

I would not, so much, compare McCain to Obama, but rather check on the total percentage voting. If many chose not to vote (as in not being present, as opposed to voting present) then the vote was just pro forma.