N American NACHI membership topped 7,500 today.

It just seems to me that many of the great ideas just fade away over time. Just my 2 cents us ,12.5 north of me

Kevin, I wholeheartedly agree with you. I would like to see plans followed through to the end - not announced prematurely and dropped or put on hold. I also would like to see a better guide for major decisions established.

I think in the end, this may be a plan that is created by the MAB, soliciting the input of the membership, and delivered to the top from the bottom up.

At the very least it will give an accurate accounting of projects, objectives and action titems to achieve them. It will prioritize our resources and let HQ know what we think are the goals, purpose and mission of the organization.

Nick is always saying it is OUR organization - let’s make it so.

Hmmm…seems like we all agree…atleast with this NACHI ROCKS!

Some of the best positions -even in NACHI - seem to be created when one recognizes a need, mentions it, and is willing to step forward and assume that role.
Bring proposed ideas and solutions to Nick; in my experience, at least, he often simply says,
“Do it!”


Russ, You frequent the board…is there any possible way that you can percieve that I have not asked, begged, pleaded, offered to help, insisted, or otherwise used any possible means to convince Nick that a Strategic Organizational Plan is needed?

If there is some way I have not asked (and I have directly offered to help formulate it) please let me know. I will try it.

It is needed. Fail to plan, plan to fail.