NACHI Attendance for Public hearing on Uniform Mitigation

That is not how he means it

I agree.

He likely has NO verifiable experience before he woke up and started calling himself a home inspector. So who cares how he means it.

You’re getting it.:wink:

I guess you cannot hear me…

Do you mean it as con Inspector?

Maybe you should look into getting a hearing aid.

There is probably someone nearby with the experience.

Do you mean it as con Inspector?

**THE MEEKER is absolutely correct!!\:D/ Period! I am tired that Contractors, Architects and Engineers are always under attack;). We decided to become Home Inspector (HI) and it was our prerogative. More power to us. Having a degree in Engineering (PE), being and Architect or a licensed contractor should have no barrier in our business performance, quality and fees. Oh…, we charge more, so what, we deserve more:p. As a former contractor and Engineer it give me the ability to educate my clients regarding the issues on hand and intricacies of the structure therefore, we bring more to the table than just been only a home inspector. However, there is a number of HI with vast experience in construction that can educate their clients as well and my hat is off to them. I enjoy tremendously been a HI in fact is a delightful to engage with my clients and I will not changed for nothing else. Do I complaint about it, NEVER!. It is always frosting on my cake ($)\:D/. It is like been a low baller??-X If you can not make it in this business get out find something else that is your forte](*,). Lowering your fees to compete will NOT help the industry on the contrary sooner or later you will fail. Facts of life! **

The wind mitigation deal is getting out of control. More is not better. Our signature shall be suffient to prove that the property qualifies or not based on our inspection, period. Pictures of nails, draging your butt inside the attic at a 120F is crazy. Lets put it this way: If we can not see it, touch it, feel it than is not there. Do not make me walk the attic in search for a nail, somehow the roof decking is attached to the truss system and it is not chewing gum.-X

“Price is what you Pay, Value is what you Get”


Mike how are you? I read these post because of you, keep up the good work. I hope you are doing good, you are the best in my book! You know Mike we worked hard to get where we are and all the schooling and physical labor through the years should get respect but some think you obtain a license you become a professional. I hear all the time I’m this, that and know more than everyone else well the truth is only a few people on these post have my respect. Well keep in touch Mike and don’t let these guys get to you.


Hello I hope all is well with you. All is good here, I am just sharing my opinion with these fellas.

Take Care.