Nachi Vendors

It would help if that place would let me order something.
Trying to get books yesterday and it never sends me a password.:wink:

Well then… with that criteria that you will act upon, don’t forget Nathan, as he has been accused of, and proven by his own statements, of lying multiple times!

Not condoning untruthfulness ,but …
I would like to here from those who have always been truthful .
Or have never hidden the truth .
Any takers ? I fear not.

Really curious who you feel is on that list?

How many times do you have to be misled or recieve inaccurate info before it becomes a lie? First time its what you believe to be truthful, 2 nd time , oh thats alright, 3 rd time same answer as the 1 st. At what point do lies begin?

No one.

Then how do you ever expect to get an answer?

In most endeavors its the first that kills you.
That’s why it important to be well informed , find out for yourself.
Then proceed with caution every step along the way.

It was a rhetorical question .
That’s why the root question had no ?.

I put in a lot of time, effort and research on the camera system that would fullfill all my needs, I did only one thing wrong, I did not do enough research on the company I purchased from.

There you go !
You missed one step along the way. Yep!

Yep! But that is still no excess for being untruthful to your customers.

Never will !
But how does this come into play.
Lets use 90 Warranties as an example and I disclose all to my clients .
And I will !
Where is the wrong in that ?

I’m not just going to delete that one vendor, I’m going to delete the entire “board approved good list.” Where is that?

Who owns this site anyways?

You see Nick, bigger, is not always better. :wink:

impossible to determine worthwhile services on a national level, as results can be substantially differentiated geographically

The silver lining is that fellow members in the future can read about your experience with this vendor, and your comments will be of value to them.

They can also read from an experienced liar. (read in context please) #55