NACHI's new 3 Mistakes brochure... which one do you like?

I agree with Steven W. about the “critical mistakes” issue. The word “Deadly” is a bit strong for this point. I understand that we want to scare(sort of) the clients into getting an inspection, but “deadly” is a bit strong, and doesn’t quite fit since 99.9% of the time the client isn’t in danger of dieing. Also, the content in the flyer isn’t about death.

For us to use this as a flyer for our business, shouldn’t there be a place for our logo? Be it a stick-on type or printed on it when copied? Thanks Nick, Kyle Ligon from Infrared Property Inspections

Blue , it’s “sooooothing” and things like that.:mrgreen:


I absolutely agree, well said.

The brochure is nice, the content is pretty good, and I like blue, but would not use it because of the word deadly. If I were shopping for home inspectors, I would not hire the individual whose brochure says I might make a deadly mistake if I don’t use him, or her.
I would have as much desire to open the brochure and read it as I would opening a National Enquirer. …Apologies to those who think that is a source of quality entertainment. :roll:
I get the idea that when the heading is striking, it gets people to want to read more. But I still have a hard time with the use of the word deadly…but does costly or critical get someone to pick up the brochure and read it? Not sure.
Just my 2 cents…

I’m opposed to using “costly” on the front of the brochure as it has a negative connotation… that one should worry about costs when hiring an inspector.

Cases of the new blue brochures were delivered today

Excellent job.


Do you need help in getting these out to the RE agents/offices in my area?

They are free in bulk to any member doing a real estate trade show.

I don’t have time for trade shows, but I can find time to deliver these to R/E offices.