Nahi Bashing Me

As a child in a British boarding school I was forced to watch morality plays, especially at Christmas time, and I’d like to believe they taught me something. Since then I’ve learned a little more about what is right and what is wrong and the nature of truth. More importantly, life has taught me that nothing exists in isolation and that there is reciprocity in all things. And, to that extent, I believe in karma. So when NAHI decided to censure Porter Valley Software, apparently because of my appointment as the NACHI vice-president I was momentarily shaken, because they were not only punishing me as the president of Porter Valley Software but also punishing my business partner Lorne Steiner. Interestingly, Lorne has been a NACHI director and a board member of the American Institute of Inspectors for more than a year. Obviously, and for reasons that I have not yet fully understood, it seems that they wanted to punish me.

I’ve written about this on the bulletin board, and you can read it for yourself at but let me tell you what I’ve learned from this modern morality “play.” NAHI was never open and honest with me, which is why I resigned, but NACHI has always been. They welcomed me as an inspector, and made me feel like a member of their family. As a vendor, Nick Gromicko never tried to “make deals” with me or PVS and only ever asked one thing–and that repeatedly: “What can you do for my inspectors?” I proudly acknowledged publicly, in my book Inspect and Protect, that “he has done more for inspectors than any other individual in the history of the inspection industry.” Interestingly, it was he and he alone who encouraged me to submit my articles in the service of the membership, and although I have numerous friends in other organizations, including some in NAHI that knew about this censure, only NACHI members publicly proclaimed their support for me, which taught me that in this and other businesses it is typically “politics as usual.” Life has taught me this before, and no doubt will do so again, but I take comfort in the support of my friends at NACHI and promise the membership this: As the vice-president of NACHI, I will always be open and honest, and will do what I can to promote the best interests of NACHI and will do my utmost to make the membership proud. As a human being, and as Mark Twain has said, “I can lie, but I won’t.” As an inspector, I will do everything in my power to help other inspectors, and as a vendor I will continue to brag about the InspectVue report-writers, but never as NACHI’s vice-president, and I will never, ever denigrate other vendors.

To Nick, to NACHI, to its stellar board of directors, to the family of members and, yes, even to the NAHI membership, I wish you all joy, health, happiness, and the prosperity you deserve.

Merry Christmas Keith… Thanks.

Well said and we all love you dearly .
Thanks mate .

Pip Pip Cookie

Dr. Swift writes:

We got 3 feet of snow tonight and I’m in trouble because after reading that, none of my hats fit my head :smiley: . Merry Christmas to all associations.

I remember driving to school with three feet of snow in Denver. It was beautiful but difficult.

Mr. Swift, you express the NACHI philosophy very well, and we are happy that you are part of our family. I am honored that Nick asked me to review your book, Inspect and Protect, before it went to print. A masterful work!

Thats the book I asked my wife to get me for my birthday!

My grandmother used to say “In everything that happens to you, theres a lesson and a blessin…its up to you to figure it out!”

Adding Dr Swift to the NACHI family is a ‘blessin’.

Dear Dr. Swift,

Please be assured and advised that there are numerous NAHI member inspectors that admire and deeply respect you not only as a veteran fellow inspector, but as a highly regarded friend and gifted author.
You must be aware after all of your years of exposure to questionable inspector associations leadership that the recent action taken by the NAHI Board of Directors in suspending you, Lorne and Porter Valley Software does not necessary reflect the position nor approval of the general membership. The Board of Directors does not normally seek nor accept the opinions of regular, ordinary members to take action against members or vendors.

Keith, as you know I have been a building/home inspector since 1983 and I have over the years tried a number of software programs. I truely believe that Porter Valley Software is the very best written report program on the market and the only one I personally use. I for one was looking forward to seeing you and Porter Valley Software at the NAHI convention in Las Vegas in February 2007. I am sure that there will be many that will be disappointed that you will not be there.

Please note that I enjoy reading you informative publications no matter where or by whom that are printed. The information and insights you provide to inspectors, realtors and the general public is not only valuable, but is timely and insighful to today’s inspection related issues. I have also recently read you latest publication “Inspect & Protect” and find it to be not only informative, but right on the money and a must read for inspectors, realtors and buyers and sellers alike. Congraduations on a job well done!!!

Keith, in closing I know that you have not lost any of the admiration nor respect from fellow inspectors, regardless of their asssociation affiliation and you will continue to greatly contribute to the home inspection association industry as a leader, inspector, author, publisher and newly appointed Vice President of NACHI. As a member of NACHI, I look forward to you leadership. No matter what the final fall-out is over this unfortunate NAHI situation, I consider you a good friend and greatly respect you as a “down in the trenches” building/home inspector and general contractor.

Respectfully Submitted,

John St. George

Keith – I love your book INSPECT and PROTECT.

I can’t wait for the movie to come out…

Thanks, and a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family.

(And, yes, I meant to YELL — shout it from the rooftops…)

good job we love the reporting system and all you have to offer i joined nachi because after all the meeting i have been to, it was about money and tha was all, but not nachi and inspectvue.

nachi and porter valley have much to offer inspectors not just a name you guy bring support to us inspectors

be strong stand proud.


Very kind of you to say so. Thank you
