NAHI - Change in leadership?

Heard a rumor that there was a change in the leadership at NAHI. Something to the effect that Mallory Anderson is no longer with NAHI or the Harrison Group that employed her to manage their NAHI account. Does anyone have the full story on what is happening over at NAHI?

Yes, they were victims of my “Mongol feigned retreat.” Some things I just can’t help… like my genes.

So… Who is running NAHI? :smiley:

Followed by another association this week. This from the past President of CAHPI:

What exactly does this have to do with me?

It means you bet on the right horse… InterNACHI.

Ok Nick I’ll buy that. :smiley:
INACHI does have the best message board and the best Home Inspectors willing to share information. :mrgreen:

But there are an awful lot of dumbass rednecks here. :twisted:

Jeez! Can’t see the colour of their necks on these boards…NOT!!! They should watch Jeff Foxworthy et al on Blue Collar TV


Are you saying that NAHI went under or was it just a regime change?


It sound like he said both NAHI and the other assoc. are dead, on the other thread.


The OAHI thingy is real clear, but I’m missing the warm fuzzies regarding NAHI, can anyone confirm their death?

“Death, the sable smoke where vanishes the flame.” ~ George Gordon, Lord Byron, Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage

The for-profit Harrington Company is alive and well.

Apparently her absence from NAHI had the same effect as when she left the penile implant factory…not a big thing.:wink:

They are keeping pretty quiet about what’s going on. I notice that they took down almost all of their membership benefits (leaving only the few that cost nothing to offer). That would indicate financial trouble, but I really don’t know.

Pump it up. :smiley:

Perhaps they will reward Brian Hannigan with the job. That way, NAHI will have its own message board. He has been very loyal to them.

Might I suggest two candidates from up north, with a rather limp reputation.

Hey Blood Klott

Thanks for the opportunity!

NAHI Staff


J.R. Burke is the Director of Govt Affairs with the Harrington Co. Probably won his job with the great job NAHI did in Florida this year.

Nick, you must have scared them. They now have a full time law student as an Executive Director (which, at NAHI, they stopped referring to as ED when Mallory took the job).