Nathan Thornberry lawsuit including actual, never-seen-before exhibits. Wow!

I’m only aware of one instance where I thought he went way, way over the line. That is when he decided to go into competition with PRO-LAB by hiriing away PRO-LAB’s two top employees (lab director and sales manager) on the same day he opened his lab in the same town in Florida, 1,200 miles from Indiana. Had he done that to me, I’d have found a phone booth or bought a burner phone and put the order through (if you know what I mean).

Competition is good. He could have opened his lab in Indiana, found someone qualified to run it, and interviewed good people for his sales manager position.

JM doesn’t like that I point out that his actions were perfectly legal.
Nathan doesn’t like that I point out that his actions were completely unethical.

That’s my thinking and has been since Nathan did it.

Nick, your weak attempt at another spin is useless once again. Nobody ever said anything about selling on nachis site, well except for you. The ads on the newsletter are paid for thus Nachi does make money and do biz with Nathan. What you choose to do with that money is up to you, but the fact is you do indeed do biz with him, your nonsense garbage spin is just that, …stop making yourself look silly as the money trail continues to flow.

You may call it a non profit organization that has nothing to do with the fact that it does collect money from many sources thus the ability to be the source of income for its operation expenses etc… stop trying to say Nachi doesn’t bring in and spend money.

Hey Nachi is your toy, if you want to be known for doing business with someone that stabbed you in the back and sues nachi inspectors that is certainly up to you…heck its your decision to play with whomever you choose to have as your friend. I think I even still have some emails where you said you and Nathan were lovers, and he was So Big…LOL I still crack up when I read them.

Thanks again for your entertainment, you crack us up.


Nick, your weak attempt at another spin is useless once again. Nobody ever said anything about selling on nachis site, well except for you. The ads on the newsletter are paid for thus Nachi does make money and do biz with Nathan. What you choose to do with that money is up to you, but the fact is you do indeed do biz with him, your nonsense garbage spin is just that, …stop making yourself look silly as the money trail continues to flow.

You may call it a non profit organization that has nothing to do with the fact that it does collect money from many sources thus the ability to be the source of income for its operation expenses etc… stop trying to say Nachi doesn’t bring in and spend money from the news letters.

Hey Nachi is your toy, if you want to be known for doing business with someone that stabbed you in the back and sues nachi inspectors that is certainly up to you…heck its your decision to play with whomever you choose to have as your friend. I think I even still have some emails where you said you and Nathan were lovers, and he was So Big…LOL I still crack up when I read them.

Thanks again for your entertainment, you crack us up.


Well at least you can admit that you do business and promote to your members vendors that you feel their actions are “Completely Unethical” Now that sure helps those in doubt see the light…


Jim, you’ve once again confused me and my personal opinions with that of InterNACH’s position. They are not one and the same.

Anyway, I’m not your momma.

Some members use his products, some don’t. InterNACHI simply provide the platform that provides information members may find useful to make up their own minds about every vendor. And apparently members come to very different conclusions based on that information. You don’t seem to be OK with that. I am. You are all big boys.

Again, nothing but a lame attempt at diverting away from the point. Nice try but another epic fail.

If I have confused Your opinion with that of the “Nachi platform”, then please tell us exactly who at NAQCHI feels that it is ok to promote(on NACHIs newsletters) products of Nathan Thornberry ?

At least we have the opinion of Nick Gromicko, the Founder of InterNACHI stating that he personally feels that “Nathan Thornberrys actions were completely unethical”

Thanks for clearing that up.


It’s just not a service InterNACHI provides. Here, read down the list of Where do you see in that list, a service offered whereby InterNACHI determines which vendors are ethical and which ones aren’t? We just don’t offer what you’re looking for.

Maybe another trade association offers that service and can help you. We don’t. We only provide a platform that allows information (see post #1 of this thread) to be available for YOU to read and decide for YOURSELF.


You just made the perfect argument against yourself for asking Jim B to resign.

You’re a big boy too.

I know it’s your sandbox, but fair is fair.

I apologize for the thread drift…

Is NACHI going to provide legal help to any NACHI member who used a NACHI vendor’s product and gets sued by Nat for using that product.

No such thing as a “NACHI vendor.” I don’t know what that is and so can’t answer.

So your code of ethics for NACHI vendors was nothing but smoke and mirrors.:roll::roll:

Michael, that COE doesn’t apply to non-members such as Nathan or Paris Hilton (how could it? they aren’t members here). Read the first line of the link you posted and the first line of the excerpt you posted slower:

Yep. Their is no ethics when it come to vendors.:p:p

Some of us actually have a memory.

It was supposed to deal with the vendor problem.

Announcing InterNACHI’s Vendor Code of Ethics

Important to post…

Michael, read the second line of your excerpt. It says

It directs you to Vendor Code of Ethics - InterNACHI® Click on it and read the first line slowly. It doesn’t apply to non-members such as Nathan or Paris Hilton. How could it? Neither Nathan or Paris Hilton are members.

If a member bough Paris perfume from Paris Hilton and it stunk like a skunk, there is nothing in our vendor COE that would provide InterNACHI any tools to help that member get a refund. I can’t threaten to kick Paris Hilton out of InterNACHI is she isn’t a member.


Stop insulting everyone’s intelligence Nikcy.

Nothing about it applying only to member/vendors.

Zip Zero , Nada

But spin away nicky, It’s all you got.

Read the first line of the excerpt you posted. It ends with

Now read the first line of that Code of Ethics which the announcement links to. It defines who it applies to:

Paris Hilton is not a member here, so our COE doesn’t apply to her. How could it?

The Fart candle guy WAS a member .

Stop with the crap

That only says you do not need a separate account.

Keep spinning Nicky.