Thanks for the explanation Nick. I just realized now that I did not include the word Exam when I read your statement about about SOP Exams .,
Bill, I am already a NACHI certified home inspector…soon to be CMI in a few days if all goes well, which took about 4-5 years to aquire. Thats all I need.
Thank-you for your comments, sometimes we don’t agree on things and thats OK too. I guess we’ll find out where the chips fall fairly soon.
The whole CAHPI/National is dependent on numbers. If there are inadequate numbers or interest for this program it will not survive. That is why Nick invited Bill to come here to promote the program because it needs everyone on board, not 1/5 of the estimated 5000 inspectors in Canada.
I believe thats why the government provided financing for the first 100 applicants to see how things would play out, interest, so forth and so on.
If I may add, education nor peer review will guarantee Ethics…
Raymond, while I agree in theory about the whole concept and the betterment of the industry as a whole…it kinda makes you feel fuzzy all over, doesn’t it? Before you know it, we’ll all be drinking beer and eating RAINBOW STEW. I do not believe this concept will become a reality. 1. Because the gov’t stuck its schnauze in business where they do not belong. 2. Because it appears some of the high influence associations are throwing their weight behind one association and that is a recipe for disaster
Most of these things start with good intentions and sound so good on paper, but the way the world works and how things usually end up are two completely different aspects. It’s kinda ironic really…everyone is wanting us to be more accountable when these wanna be “God outfits” come in and take over and don’t wanna have to be accountable for nothing:roll:
By the way, if anyone can tell me how to attach a 1 page pdf so you can all view it, let me know. I have a copy of a CAHPI newsletter to Realtors that was pinned up in one of the Real estate offices if anyone is interested. I tried to upload it but it was over 500 bytes or something like that, and all it will handle is two hundred and some. It might be of some interest to some.
Sorry, I’m not a computer whiz. Don’t know how to begin.
But what has Nick to gain by inviting Bill here?
From where I’m standing, he has much to loose…
Everyone I have spoken to has asked the same question about Nick and his motive.
However the way I see it both Bill and Nick have much to lose, and that is the quandry. Bill needs numbers. Nick needs credibility with his CMI to make it flourish. Right now I don’t think either one of them are doing very well in selling their products.
Darrell in follow up to your points …
CAHPI and OAHI have historically been at odds, political infighting. OAHI has been trying to force its weight because it is the pivotal association in CAHPI, that has created many animosities. OAHI has made decisions on behalf of the members without letting them know any of the finer details. Those decisions of Oahi vis-a-vis the CAHPI/National have been sequestered and no one is sure the Minutes even exist even though we have been told to go to head office to see them. We cannot be assured what has been done, only the words of a few who put their thoughts into a news letter. OAHI has been party it appears to be playing by different rules to ensure its positioning.
Please email me the newsletter and I will post it.
My email
Bill I understand there are some first nation People going to and be certified .
Will they pay the same as NACHI members
or the same as OAHI members
Will they pay $50.00 a year
Or … $100:00 a year
I guess we’ll have to disagree on that. The TIPR program is proving that there are too many people doing inspections who shouldn’t be doing them and that reflects on all of us and does a disservice to the public.
Care to provide the percent passing?
Also I would like an anwser to my previous question How many law suits against HI’s and how many were Certified.
That policy makes a lie of the statement that NCP is independent of CAPHI.
If the NCP was truly independent they would set up a database to track all applicants. I’ve designed More DATABASES then I can count including my inspection reports. Why did I design my own report. Because the CAPHI reports did not meet my personal standard for excellence.
I digress. Back on topic There is no reason to reliy on an outside body to track the NCP certified HI’s.
Infact it would be more complicated.
It’s the KISS system.
Bill I sure wish you would back up your statements with facts and varifiable data.
Raymond, the newsletter should be in your email box right now.
Thanks, Darrell
I ran into the same problem a few days ago only it was a jpg file and the limit is 100 kb If possible copy the text and paste it into the post. If not bring 4 or more copies to the meeting on Sunday.
If that fails maybe you could give us brief discription of what they said.
Vern, I also emailed you a copy, it should be in your email right now, and I will bring some copies with me on Sunday.
To the best of my understanding - first it depends on many circumstances. Example - that a First Nation inspector such as a member of FNNBOA, or a recognized inspection association, as Bill noted earlier, that has completed and submitted their equivalency paperwork. If so they likely they would be eligible for the lower rate.
See it is all dependent upon a number of factors but it starts with a reciprocal agreement or articulation between the parties.
The biggest issue is it seem some want a free ride or free pass, without earning it the same way others have to prove their position.
BTW: the fees you quoted to not corelate to the fees announced
Darrell asked me to post this. I couldn’t upload it properly so here is the contents of the document verbatim. From CAHPI Alberta.
** Newsletter to Realtors
** PROVINCIAL LICENSING of Home Inspectors is in the Works!
The Alberta government and CAHPI (Canadian Association of Home and Property Inspectors) are currently working on regulations that will require all Home & Property Inspectors to be licensed. The new licensing requirements will require extensive education and experience. (Stay tuned - check our website regularly - more infonnation available soon)
** CAHPI 2006 National Home Inspectors Conference is in Calgary**
CAHPI Alberta is hosting the 13thAnnual Home Inspectors’ Conference. The conference will be held November 24 -26, 2006 at the Sheraton Eau Claire Suites, Calgary. Realtors are welcome to attend. Infonnation is available on our website
Of special interest to realtors is our special guest on Saturday, November 25 - Mike Holmes of HGTV, Holmes on HomesTM
presentation will start at 10:00 and will be followed by a meet and greet during lunch.
Realtors and any interested persons are welcome to attend the conference or just the Mike Holmes presentation - registration forms are availableon our website
** N****ational Certification Program will soon be formally launched**
The National Certification Program means the perfonnance of home inspectors will be judged against an approved standard, leading
to pride of workmanship for the inspectors, and consistent, high quality inspection services for Canadian property owners.
CAHPI, in collaboration with CMHC, HRDC and other interested players in the inspection industry, took a giant step forward about 10 years ago and started the initiative to set up the certification, licensing and performance standards. Several Alberta home inspectors were part of the pilot program and now have some of the first certificates to be granted.
Many groups will benefit from the National Certification Program, including home and property inspectors, owners, the real estate industry, mortgage lenders, insurance organizations, and others.
More infonnation will be released from CAHPI National shortly.
** CAHPI =A Professional Home Inspection
The CAHPI has established the most wisely recognized standard for quality home inspections nationwide.
To become a member of one of the provincial organizations of CAHPI, an inspector must meet rigorous professional and educational requirements followed by a review. They must adhere to the association’s code of ethics that demands fairness and impartiality towards clients. To stay current with the profession, CAHPI inspectors are required to meet annual continued education requirements. These are essential to maintaining the high standards that the provincial organization has set for their membership.
Quote: **For the Realtor**, this means enhanced professional image and more protection for you. Putting people in touch with CAHPI home"
inspection professionals reinforces your relationship with you clients. They will feel more confident with the condition of the property, and the quality of your advice.
** For the Consumer**, this means peace of mind and more protection for them. They can be assured that when they retain a CAHPI
member to inspect their home, that they are hiring a professional with proven ability, experience and impartiality.
Our website hosts an up to date list of all Registered Home Inspectors (RHI) and Associates in Alberta.
Thanks Ray for providing that little bit of news.
"CAHPI, in collaboration with CMHC, HRDC and other interested players in the inspection industry, took a giant step forward about 10 years ago …"
This clearly illustrates one of the points I made with Bill that he seemed to find offensive. The National was set in motion ten years ago. There have been a lot of Inspectors arriving on the scene since that time ( especially in the last three years), who were not consulted in setting up a programme that is intended to control their livelyhoods. Further, there are several Home Inspection organizations, including this one, that have come on the scene and they too have been excluded. This hardly complies with the mandate to be open and all inclusive as charged by the C.M.H.C. Most of us have had no word in either the National or in the representations to governments at all levels being made by CAPHI based on this programme.
"CAHPI =A Professional Home Inspection"
And that is the bilge that is being spoon fed to the governments of the provinces and to realtors coast to coast. Nick take note.
Is this a release from CAHPI-National or CAHPI Alberta? I would tend to think the latter. It’s the first I have seen of the document.
It also appears to have a few typos.
It is also my understanding that part of the presentation was government representation at the conference discussing this release. Again I say the issue is dealing with the initiator of the document - not blaming everyone for it under the guise of CAHPI-National.
What do you find the most damaging noted in that release?
I am still waiting for an answer to this most revealing statement.
Okay what we do know is that of the 100 TIPR people some have failed but none are OAHI members who make up the majority of people who applied. We can conclude that some Nachi members have failed, but to suggest there are many who failed is embellishment given the numbers.