NEC Consultant makes generous donation to NACHI.

Originally Posted By: gromicko
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Thank you very much Joe.


Originally Posted By: chorne
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Thanks Joe,

Greatly appreciated!!

I can't wait to get my hands on a copy


Grand View Home Inspections

Originally Posted By: roconnor
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Joe Tedesco wrote:
Basic Checklists for Building Electrical Inspections is a book that was written by an electrical inspector, and is still available from the publisher here:

I have a few copies that I will contribute to NACHI for use as a prize, or for some other activity. Please let me know how you want this handled. ![icon_biggrin.gif](upload://iKNGSw3qcRIEmXySa8gItY6Gczg.gif)

To Joe Tedesco:

Your excellent reputation as an expert on the NEC and electrical inspections is well known, even among home inspectors.

Thank you for the very generous offer to NACHI. That is a credit to your professionalism, and dedication to helping inspectors learn and keeping people safe.

Thanks again from all of us here at NACHI!

To All:

For those that do not know, Joe is a well known NEC expert who has his own BB to discuss electrical inspection issues. I highly recommend that you check it out. See this link:

Robert O'Connor, PE
Eagle Engineering ?
Eagle Eye Inspections ?
NACHI Education Committee

I am absolutely amazed sometimes by how much thought goes into doing things wrong

Originally Posted By: Joe Tedesco
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Thank you all for your kind remarks! I will look into my archives for more items.

I was planning on a "net yard sale" but now since I have an address will send some of the items that I have that are extras, or not needed anymore.

I do however, have some old electrical books I wish to sell, and will post that information soon.

Also, I am always looking for "old electrical books" and have been collecting them for over 30 years!

Joe Tedesco

Originally Posted By: roconnor
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Thanks again Joe … just so you know, NACHI also has a “Free Book and Video Library” for members use. Any donations of new/used codes or inspection related books and videos are greatly appreciated.

I also collect some old code books, and would love a copy of the original 1897 electrical code if you have an extra one (yea right ... lol). But if you have an extra copy of the first/older editions of the AISC or ACI manuals/codes I might be interested. Some of the ones I have are not in such great shape.

Robert O'Connor, PE
Eagle Engineering ?
Eagle Eye Inspections ?
NACHI Education Committee

I am absolutely amazed sometimes by how much thought goes into doing things wrong

Originally Posted By: dvalley
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I do not see this book on![](upload://yId3Ri9VYbHgabnhNlKDPNxTuAC.gif)

I'm interested in purchasing this book. Please direct me to the appropriate area.


David Valley
MAB Member

Massachusetts Certified Home Inspections

"Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go."

Originally Posted By: roconnor
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I don’t think the 1897 Electrical Code would be there … icon_lol.gif

But if you are talking about Joe's book on electrical inspection, see this link:

Robert O'Connor, PE
Eagle Engineering ?
Eagle Eye Inspections ?
NACHI Education Committee

I am absolutely amazed sometimes by how much thought goes into doing things wrong

Originally Posted By: dvalley
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Thank you Robert.

I put my order in today.


I'm sure I'll find your book very informative.![](upload://hEtJcNgA0ArthjVeFzI3Yw6AkMb.gif)

David Valley
MAB Member

Massachusetts Certified Home Inspections

"Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go."

Originally Posted By: Joe Tedesco
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Thank you, the pictures in this book can be found in color in my photo gallery on my site at

The following items shares something that is a "MUST READ" today tibit of information.

Please let me know if you visited this site by signing my guest book at the bottom of the page.

Joe Tedesco

Originally Posted By: jtedesco
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I am considering an update of my first edition of “Basic Checklists for Building Electrical Inspection” and my "How to Recognize Code (Violations) or Defects

This book outlines the basic electrical wiring needs, that will help to heighten the electrical inspectors awareness of acceptable materials, techniques, and includes time proven personal opinions and informal interpretations of the NEC. All wiring and equipment, whether it is exposed or concealed, must be inspected during the construction or re-inspection of a building.

The suggestions in this book, along with the practical knowledge of electrical systems, good judgment, actual field experience, along with a current NEC, will provide the basis for a well-performed electrical inspection. In this text the author, Joe Tedesco, NEC Consultant, provides the reader with his experiences and knowledge gained while being employed as a journeyman and master electrician, electrical designer, electrical inspector, electrical instructor, editor, and electrical code consultant since 1957. Included is an overall summary of the basic electrical inspection and plan review process for new existing one, two, and multifamily dwellings and other residential units.

Comprised of real life actual experiences, examples of typical hazards and problems, on-the-job checklists, and specific NEC references and UL, Inc. requirements. This book serves as a basic guide for the novice or as a review for the experienced electrical inspector, helping to ensure safe and efficient electrical installations.

Published/Edition: January 1999. ISBN/Book No.: 1889892165

Includes over 100 photographs of electrical code violations. Clearly illustrates fire and electrical shock hazards, and other serious safety violations of the NEC. The pictures in this brand new "one of a kind" book are the result of over 35 years of electrical inspections and evaluations performed by the Author, Joe Tedesco, NEC Consultant, during his career.

He took these pictures while performing inspections as an electrical inspector in almost every city or state throughout United States. These pictures and commentary may be used by qualified persons for the purpose of evaluating the work in their facility, or on their property for compliance to the local requirements, testing laboratory standards, and the current National Electrical Code.

A qualified and sometimes Certified Electrical Inspector, inspects electrical installations in many different types of buildings, gathers facts during inspections, and may order the electric service disconnected, or the required corrections made when inspections disclose non-compliance. When inspections and installations reveal errors, or when serious life safety fire and shock violations are found, corrective actions must be taken to remedy the problem immediately without any fanfare or question.

Published/Edition: January 1999. ISBN/Book No.: 1889892106

Joe Tedesco, NEC Consultant

Originally Posted By: jpeck
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Robert was referring to this.


Jerry Peck
South Florida

Originally Posted By: jtedesco
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The image you posted is not and original and is only a replica. It was made available during one of the IAEI Section meetings a few years ago.

If an original was available it probably would be worth lots of money!

I have a copy on my computer somewhere!

Joe Tedesco, NEC Consultant

Originally Posted By: jpeck
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I know, the image is from me scanning my "copy".

It was produced, if I remember correctly, on the 100th anniversary of the NEC and given out at various functions.

The replica (it is a replica, not just a copy) in that, as you can see by the scanned image, the "replica" replicated all the wear and tear of the original it was "copied" from.

I would love to have an "original copy", but, alas, must suffice to covet my "replica copy". I scanned it into my computer as .jpg images and printed it as a .pdf, somewhere, hmmm ... I'm looking and obviously did not put it in the correct folder. Performing a 'search' as I type and post this. If needed, I can always scan it again.

Joe, by the way, I would also love to find someone who has old NEC code books for sale. My collection is kinda bare back past 1975 and I would like a nice complete (as complete as possible) collection. The electrical inspector at our local Board of Rules and Appeals has them back to 1959, and he lets me use them for research whenever I need to. But I want my own set. (Pout.)

Added with edit - Found it! I have the scanned code as a .pdf file.

Jerry Peck
South Florida