Need an inspector in Nashville

I got this e-mail:

I’ve got a water intrusion issue in a 9 year-old house near Nashville TN. I saw some things on-line by and about William Decker that makes me think he’s exactly the kind of person I need…but unfortunately I’m not in Chicago. Then I saw that he’s taught other inspectors in TN, so I’m wondering if he can put me in-touch with somebody who can help us figure this problem out, once and for all.

We’ve had a variety of people help us try to diagnose it (roofers, city building inspectors, the home builder’s rep, mold remediation guys). So far, we’ve got some ideas on what it is, but also a variety of suggestions for remedy, and I don’t want to start trying remedies without feeling certain about the root cause.

We think it’s a problem between the brick veneer and the housewrap…either too much water getting thru the brick, and/or not enough getting out, resulting in mold or something like that growing inside the air gap, causing the smell in 2 rooms of the house. We can make the musty smell increase by spraying water on a certain window/area of the wall, but there are no visible signs of the problem on the interior side of the sheathing (we’ve cut into some walls from the inside).

Anyway, the next logical step (to me, anyway) would be a borescope inspection, to see inside the problem wall. But I can’t find somebody who does that kind of thing around Nashville. Can you provide any advice or leads?"

Anyone do thermal water intrusion inspections? Give me a call (847) 676-8393 and I will refer.

I suspect bad housewrap installation, off the bat.

Hope this helps;

Call David Anderson, he should be able to handle that one.

Connected. Thanks.