Need Assistance with Electrical Panel

What do you all see wrong?
Picture #3 is for the generator.
There is no emergency disconnect labels.
No transfer switch.

How about you tell us what you see and we go from there with assistance?

By the way, your pictures aren’t enlarging from my perspective…in order to see more detail.


Need more information, I see 4 panels, but only 2 of them that are opened.

Also, as @lkage said, we need to be able to enlarge the pictures to be able to zoom in and see them up close to look for issues.

Besides the lack of a transfer switch, what are your concerns.

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Panel is not bonded.
Need another surge protector.
None of the breakers were double tapped.
Same phase conductors should be grouped together.
I’ll upload another set of pictures

All Panels are bonded by the trough (fat green wires). They are bonded by metal bushings connecting them.
Surge protection is not a concern.
None of the breakers double tapped is good.
Single phase. What are you calling “same phase?”

Yes single phase.
Would it be a better installation to have your wires grouped together such as the grounded conductors? Ungrounded Service Conductors are copper and the grounded conductor is aluminum.

It is not our job to define a “better installation!” Take pictures to show you were there (followed SOP), no defects, button it up and move on.


Sounds good.
Thank you

What about the three double taps in the transfer switch (photo 3), are they okay?

The OP said none of the breakers are double tapped, I repeated him. Technically he is correct. None of the breakers are double tapped.

I zoomed in on the picture. I see what you mean. No this is not okay.
Thank you for you input

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Be very careful here. This is a code violation not a home inspection (safety) defect. Probably 75% of the electricians out there will say that it is OK. As long as all the cable strands are inserted in the lug and it is torqued properly it is not a performance problem. If you call it out and they spend money to have an electrician say it is OK they will blame you for the wasted trip. Pick your battles, don’t fight the ones you can’t win, CYA.

Thank you Bob. How about this comment:
Recommend having a licensed electrician lugs are properly torqued?

Are double taps under lugs not considered a safety concern given that they can create loose connections, potentially leading to overheating, arcing, and increased fire risk due to the extra load on a single lug not designed for multiple wires?


I would stick to just calling out the transfer switch as not having a lockout and recommend an electrician look at that. It will quite likely be ignored. CYA

You don’t have to do the electrician’s job.

In this situation with stranded cable. . . Think about it, the lug doesn’t know how many strands are in the cable.

The double tap on a breaker is a different situation as most are not designed for 2 wires. The lugs on a neutral or ground bus, again a code violation. Some older electricians have done it that way for years. Pick your battles. Electrical is just one part of a home inspection.


Just in the transfer switch alone there is:
Double tap on the EGC.
Double tap on the load conductors on the bottom of the transfer switch.
There is a missing bushing on the bottom left raceway.
No neutrals brought through the transfer switch.

In the panel photo:
175 amp, #2/0 conductors feeding a 200 amp OCPD.

There’s probably more to be found if someone was standing right in front of this mess.


Thank you.
It didn’t look right to me. I wanted to have people look at the pictures that are more knowledgeable than myself.

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I need a refresher please…so #2/0 copper is only rated for 175 amps? Is #2/0 copper ever acceptable on a 200 amp OCPD?

Is this chart incorrect or old or is there a temperature adjustment that I need to account for?

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