Just started my business trying to promote it and get it up and running looking for any suggestions. I have been handing out business cards and then following up with an email.
Welcome Wesley,
Please start by entering your profile information so we know where you are from etc.
You’ll find lots of help here by looking through past threads about this subject.
My personal advice is to go to open houses, cordially introduce yourself to the agent and hand out cards and brochures. Some inspectors on these boards are negative about working with agents. I see building relationships with them as crucial.
As time goes by once you have relationships with some agents then see if you can attend one of their monthly meetings to introduce your company.
So, thats a beginning. Hope it helps.
Nathan, send this guy a book
They’ll get thrown out. Instead, staple or tape your business card to the “Now That You’ve Had a Home Inspection” books. There is a dedicated business card-sized spot for it on the cover. Americans don’t throw out books. Then take a black Magic Marker and write “Office Copy: Do Not Throw Out!” on the front and the back of the book. Then deliver 2 to each real estate office in your market. I haven’t offered home inspections in over a decade and those books/cards are still generating calls. It is the marketing gift that keeps on marketing. Read this: Use a Magic Marker to Market to Agents - InterNACHI®
I’m telling you… this really works.
Wesley, Nick and the rest above are correct. Biz cards are great for when someone asks for it. I have some agents that after meeting me ask me for a stack, then I know they really want them, if you just start tossing them around, Nick is right, most of the time they will just get trashed.
Clients and agents Love the book. Buy a case and give it a try. 1 inspection will pay for the case …
Have Inspector Outlet make cards and brochures for you and head to the realtor’s office and hand them out .
I will hit that office again in about a month they get to know you that way.