New Construction: Vertical Crack In Mortar

mmmm lick and stick dry stack…always good…

Have yet to see this installed without water intrusion issues around here…

…except under a porch roof!

Maybe they’ll be the first!?

Had a few solve the issues with ice and water shield. But no vapor diffusion to the exterior allowed with that. Will just take a few more years to show it’s head.

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Here it just pops off with every freeze thaw cycle…kind of a relaxed casual look…

Had a productive preview/meeting with Mr. David Anderson.

Feel free to fill the fellas in, David.



Because of other major concerns/issues, we walked away (actually ran), and the builder refunded our earnest money.

I want to thank all of you for the guidance and advice… and a huge thank you to Mr. David Anderson for taking the time out of his busy schedule to evaluate and confirm my concerns.

Rod, would it have made a difference if I’d buy your house if you were not pleased with your purchase ?!

Rod is thinking of becoming a Homie Inspector.
This is a test!
Can you stand to your convictions even if it pisses off the “Master” of Home Inspection; Mr. Nick.
Don’t worry , Nick has very thick skin. Unlike inspectors here, he will consider your opinion even if it doesn’t go his way. That is what makes him so flexible and successful!

Wow looks like a lot of issues here, looks like full brick with mitred edges on the turret, roof trusses look like they were done on site and not engineered. Rafters are spreading and pulling away from non-structural ridge beam already…not a good sign. For stability underpurlins would be needed with strongback, but this will require loadbearing wall below and footings. Why have they not used any gusset plates to aid in nailing the cords together? Why didn’t they just get an engineered roof in the first place? Can you easily open and close the windows? I doubt it. Unfortunate new construction mistakes everywhere. Mistakes will continue when lot will be graded and bricks will be underground with no minimum 4-6 inch foundation clearance. Have you inspected the home throughout the construction phase? Have you noticed the location and number of brick tie backs?