New Home Quality Inspector?

You appear to be a genuinely confused keyboard warrior. I’m not sure what the point of your rant about siding was. Other than to demonstrate that you have too much time on your hands because you don’t actually do home inspections. Your full-time job appears to be ranting on this forum.

Based on the fact that you have 0 online presence, (your reviews are things that you wrote for yourself on your own website), there may not be a single home-buyer in this world that you have genuinely helped with all of your extravagant typing. You will be much more justified in critiquing others when there is a place that real people can comment on the service that you provide.

Since you feel comfortable with critiquing sample reports, may I mention the “not-sample report” that you have on your website? According to this page: Sample Report Page For PS Inspection & Property Services LLC your incredible wealth of knowledge and experience allows you to go into an attic and discover an obvious defect. Then go into a crawlspace and discover a couple of obvious defects. Then go on the roof and discover obvious defects. I am genuinely not impressed.

I never claimed to have, “valuable insight of the many causes of drywall nail pops in ceilings and walls and how they mean nothing.” To demonstrate that any literate person can use a search engine, I present to you the definition of a straw-man argument from Wikipedia: “A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent’s argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent.” Don’t put words in my mouth and then try to argue against them.

I want to correct myself. I did manage to find one review on Redfin. You got 4.5 stars. Obviously, the client was not as impressed with you as you are with yourself.

It is a shame that you choose not to share your wealth of knowledge, backed by 10 years experience in commercial and residential construction experience, with others that are new or would like to join this profession. It is obvious that you are very emotional about your work and write with such verbosity that much can be learned from you.

One lesson can be learned though from your previous post below and anyone with a keen eye can see that new revelation. So in the future please join us and provide your wealth of knowledge gained from 10 years experience in commercial and residential construction experience.

BTW thank you for visiting my WEB site. Did you get a chance to read any of the Blogs? This topic would make a very good Blog post.

I see Manny (as they call him on this board) has responded. Manny has pissed me off in the past, but I have found him to be a competent inspector and dealt with it.
It would have been best for you to not comment further but since you have, let me make some observations.
You and your entire company (4 other inspectors) have I would guess by your Lic# less than 2 years experience (if that) as a licensed home inspector in Wa. state and Oregon.
We all had to start somewhere, but don’t you think it would be beneficial to get to know your peers before you trash them?
Your sample report’s contain many comments that are positive…I and most Home inspectors do not do that!
Manny gave you valuable advice on proper installation techniques on fiber cement siding, why would you discount that? is this not a forum to learn?
I’m curious, if your business is called Non Profit Home inspections, how do you folks make money, and where does the excess cash flow go?

And yes there are other issues with your sample reports.