I just read a new law that says that ,home inspector can not inspect electrical panels,GFIC’s ect,ect.Is that just for One state or all 50 states
1 state - Rhode Island. But several states have had the discussion in the past
There is already a topic heavily discussing this.
Where did you read that? What did the article say about this?
How about a link to what you read and where you read it?
Its info@rirealtors.org and I got the article from interNACHI.It was in an e-mail i got .I did call the web-site and got the network ,they said thats its true Leonard clemens
Thanks ,do you think that this applies to the state of Oregon ?
| David Freund dfreund InterNACHI®️ CPI
January 29 |
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Leonard Clemens:
I just read a new law that says that ,home inspector can not inspect electrical panels
There is already a topic heavily discussing this.
IDK…maybe @mfellman can chime in
Haven’t heard anything and I talk to the new owner of my company (old employee) regularly and I’m sure he’d have heard and brought it up.
Look at your link.
info@ r(rhode) i (island) realtors.org Rhode Island realtors.
Folks, this is just in Rhode Island! No where else! Yes, it is possible that it could be pushed in some other states by the IBEW. As an inspector you need to be aware of what is going on in your state legislature! Get involved in the profession on a local level and state level!
I thought that was only in Ohio.
Never again Larry!!