New York Home Inspections & COVID-19

Congrats back in business as you always should have been!

Now Decebal, make sure you stay home as it wasnt safe a min ago even though you can now inspect lol

Your good to go now. All NY inspectors are

The has it posted on their website that as of today April 1, 2020 I inspectors are considered essential.

Yes, it looks like they decided and announced yesterday, April 1st. to let us work and be considered essential, probably just to support the collapsing economy. I also got this acceptance email from NYSAHI last night (see below). Where was NYSAR for the last two weeks?
Thank ESD for finally making a decision and a clear public announcement to clarify this confusion. Stay safe guys, six feet away, mask and gloves and good luck inspecting.

“Tommy” Decebal Adamescu, ACI, CMI, CPI,
Board Certified Master Home Inspector,
ASHI, NAHI & InterNACHI Certified Member,
Termite inspector, Infrared thermographer,
Energy assessor - Long Island/Queens/NYC,
516-851-5833 -

" 4/1/20 update on COVID-19
You are Essential
Today Empire State Development reversed direction and effective immediately; residential and commercial showings along with back office real estate work, appraisal services, and home inspections are essential real estate functions.
As you go out there please remember to comply with the guidance and directives for maintaining a clean and safe work environment issued by the Department of Health and every business, even if essential, is strongly urged to maintain social distance to the extent possible.
These are confusing time. This change was given at the same time that we are being asked to stay home as much as possible. I am encouraging all home inspectors to ensure that safety is first. Yeah, I know, you always do. You know how to be safe. But these are special times and lives are at stake.
It is up to each of you to decide how you will run your business and keep everyone safe.
We are all in this together- 6 feet apart
Be well,
Annie-Laurie Hunter
315-481-4237 "

All over this. Go to their site and look at their daily updates. You seem very uninformed and nothing more than a mouthpiece for NYSAHI. So tell us, after lecturing us do you plan on working now?

Here’s the direct link to NYSAR

“4/1/20 – The Empire State Development agency clarified that residential and commercial showings along with back office real estate work, appraisal services and home inspections are essential real estate functions effective immediately.”

Take InterNACHI’s free, online COVID-19 Safety Guidelines for Home Inspectors and Contractors Course.

Thank you Ben for the update and the direct link. I’m sorry Michael but I’m not a realtor and I don’t usually check the NAR updates. I look at the home inspectors associations announcements. Since I am living and working in New York State I incidentally get the NYS AHI emails even if I am not an member of this association or any other way related to them. If I was in some other state I would keep informed with that state local association’s activities as well, besides our national home inspectors associations.
This is not about you or me, we’re all potentially exposed to this pandemic, especially if going to any crowded places that we don’t necessarily have to go. Each one of us has to make their own decisions. Best wishes to you guys and God Bless our fellow home inspectors in NYS and everywhere else.

Welcome to our forum, James!..Enjoy! :smile:

Why do you get their updates? I’m not a member and I dont get them. If your not a member why do you? Why would you care what an assoc says that your not a part of?

I probably got on their email list from other local organizations here in Long Island, NY where I attend the continuing education courses. If you look on their website at the Participating Organizations tab you may find one in your local NY area as well, because it is a not-for-profit statewide organization dedicated to protecting the interests of New York State home inspectors and I respect that.

I’m very happy that the ESD finally clarified this concern and we can all go back to work if we choose to. I think we are all great inspectors and trying to get informed about reopening our businesses so we can support our families, while getting mixed opinions from various sources.

We probably had different points of view about this shut down due to lack of clarification from ESD also because our different demographic locations. The NY City Metro area here in Long Island where I am is the epicenter of the virus and of course is a lot more risky than upstate in Lancaster NY, where is lesser population or density. My local LIASHI chapter here still has the warning on their site about going back to work as of now, since there are so many more virus cases here and they are going up a lot every day.

I’m very grateful to Ben for posting this useful information online at the time of incertitude and thank you Kevin so much for sharing it with us; it could’ve helped us stay afloat if we had to. Good luck guys, all best wishes and be safe.

Good luck and hope you and your family stay safe! My prayers are with everyone, especially those in the thick of it.God bless

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If you have masks you should be donating them to first responders and nurses in local hospitals who do not have enough equipment and then stay the F home until this passes.

3 Likes now recommends wearing cloth face coverings. We’ve updated InterNACHI’s free, online COVID-19 Safety Guidelines for Home Inspectors and Contractors Course to reflect this update.

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I’ve been imploring the following NYS (see names below) to approve InterNACHI’s online education, particularly the free, online COVID Safety Guidelines for Home Inspectors & Contractors Course (open to everyone, members and non-members alike). But they refuse.

Alison Lacy
License Examination Specialist, Division of Licensing Services
New York State Department of State
One Commerce Plaza, Albany, NY 12231
(518) 486-3803 |

Mastrobuono, Marc A (DOS)

Rose, Marcella (DOS)

These three individuals have continually denied requests to have (an accredited home inspector college) approved to provide free, online education to licensed home inspectors.

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Looks like New York opens up some beaches (for Memorial Day) and businesses in Phase 1.

Good job with testing in New York:

I’m in NY and have been tested negative. I have daily tracking for my business to protect my assets and am aiming for weekly testing. I find all of this insane bit will do what I have to do to protect my bottom line. This Thursday will be test #2 if they are willing to administer it.

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