Nick is right about buying gold

This weekend I saw an infomercial about gold. The spoksperson stated that people are now cashing in their 401K money and buying gold.
Don’t know if this is true. But it was interesting.



Did you expect them to say it’s a terrible idea? :wink:

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Many advisors include silver in that advice, more plausible for people that don’t have deep pockets or large nest eggs.

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I wonder how much your gold will help you buy a loaf of bread when the market crashes. It happened once it can always happen again.


That’s my thought, everybody talks about buying gold, but just like you said, will your grocery store accept it to buy food??

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There will always be someone will to exchange gold for whatever the going local “scrip” or quatloos is.

Don’t count on it.

History would argue with you. I will not. Every society going back thousands of years had money changers.

If you could manage to survive long enough, I’ll bet there is one in the worst, war torn parts of Africa. The rate is probably horrendous, the risk is high, but where there is profit to be made, someone will fill the void.