Nick, NACHI, and Bushart

You have played a large part in that circus John.

I hope you are able to see that.

James with the permission of Nick put it on the message board for his members can hear the evidence. Also just because somebody does not show up for the trial does not make him innocent.

Post the lie, you can’t.

“Tafeen never did anything wrong in his life” (Federal Convict)
"Nachi doesn’t take a cent from vendors, never has, never will (Nachi does)
Not a single vendor was “shaked down” by Nachi for money (John was)

These are just three that immediately jump to mind.

You have to understand something.

The story goes that, when Nick was two years old, his mom found a mess in his diaper. Nick was able to convince her that an ASHI kid did it.

Now, at his more advanced age, he has convinced himself to believe his own hyperbole.

In coming posts, he will explain to you…with very subtle and almost invisible variations to certain words and sentences…why these three examples are not, technically, lies.

Read…and learn from the master.

Take it away, Nick…:smiley:

See post #562 on thread entilted NACHI’s New Relationship With Its Vendors.

Here it is

I think you and me are thinking about different lies Nick has told. It is hard to keep track.

I simply posted a link to #562

Friends theme song

James Braun… that is retarted!

Of course we charge vendors and take their money for stuff that costs us money! Did you actually think we give free booth space up to all the vendors in the world who want to attend? The links are posted everywhere and have been for years

Everyone knows that in the context of my conversation I meant that we don’t take money from vendors to be listed on this website or this message board. Never have. Never will. Now if we have to spend money on anything, the vendor has to reimburse us of course. I just shipped out DVDs for a company and guess who gets the postage bill?

John was not “shaken down.” John didn’t turn down Peter’s offer, Peter turned down John’s offer, because it made no sense. And yes it is perfectly fine for one side of a negotiating table to point out to the other that their product or service isn’t so special that it can’t be reproduced for less than the other side wants to sell it back for. Common thing to do in the course of a business negotiation.

And no, Peter never did anything wrong, just like the prosecutors in Virginia and New Jersey said when they refused to prosecute him and all the other executives.

You know if Peter wanted to, he could have used a different name and you wouldn’t have been able to say squat. He proudly uses his real name in his emails because he never did anything wrong. It’s spilt milk anyway because I’ve already agreed to handle the vendors directly.

What did I tell you, Jeff? A tweak here and a twist there…and “Presto”.

The real truth here and the real truth there… and “Presto.”

[quote=“gromicko, post:34, topic:35055”]

The real truth here and the real truth there… and

Ah…that’s what you call your inventions. “Real” truth…as opposed to “truth” as the rest of us know it.

Good. Very good.

Did you use “real” truth to make your millions in real estate?:wink:

Ah…that’s what you call your inventions. “Real” truth…as opposed to “truth” as the rest of us know it.

Good. Very good.

Did you use “real” truth to make your millions in real estate?:wink:

Nick, NACHI, and Bushart 1/6/09 6:15 PMreddd
I’m happy to take red boxes when my opinion pisses off a wimp puss like the one who couldn’t sign his name to this one.

I think you might be geting me confused with many other members. My main concern was the big lie.
The Tafeen strong arming vendors is a different subject which a large group of members are mad about. I am too but it is a different subject.

Well, because of this crap, my phone has been ringing off the hook. Seems that many vendors see it quite differently than you and all want to do deals. The market is terrible for inspection industry vendors but fear not. I know how to increase their volume and plan to do just that. The increase in volume will permit these vendors to afford to offer better discounts to InterNACHI members. Thanks Jim!

Damn! You mean you guys actually communicate with people while conducting business and lie about your identity. You gotta love that.