NIFAST Scholarships

I have my code issue worked out and downloaded the course materials. It doesn’t look too bad.:slight_smile:

Got mine… Thanks Heather.:smiley:

I waited to long to submit my application. Waited till last day.

Ohio was taken.

What does a paid scholarship cost?

Congrats on the free scholarships!!

Don’t feel bad I sent mine in within 30 min of it showing up here and I haven’t received anything either.:frowning:

Thanks Mike, I thought it was me.

Does anyone know if they have chosen recipients in all States yet?:slight_smile:

How did you download the course material. Looks Like mine is being mailed

Thank you NIFAST, for the FREE scholarship. I’ll put this to good use.

[FONT=Calibri]Congratulations Bruce, [/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri] [/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri]You have been chosen to receive one of the fire safety scholarships for Texas from the Live Safe Foundation. InterNACHI and NIFAST are proud that you embrace our “fire safety” cause, and pleased that you recognize education’s important role in ensuring safer lives. As a certified NIFAST home inspector your residential inspections will now promote a fire safe culture. [/FONT]

Haven’t checked the code out yet. Is everyone having problems with the code?

Heather emails you a confirmation as if you purchased the course. In the upper right there is an ID num. She will email another link where you need to register and you enter the ID num. Then the course opens up and two course PDF’s appear for download.

:smiley: Thank you NIFAST. Downloaded materials today. Thanks to Nick and Nachi too. :smiley:

Please report back here on this message board as to your opinion of the quality of this training.

NIFAST has created a standard…an SOP, if you will…for fire safety compliance and inspections. The training is geared to assist you in knowing their system.

I found it to be sufficient in that, having completed it, I know how to conduct an inspection in accordance with their standards.

Good, that’s step 1. Now let’s see if their contracts pan out and begin generating inspection work.

Are there any offers do others that did not get the scholarships?

Like discounts off course?

How did Nifast decide in each state which 2 won the free scholarship?

I would be interested in a paid scholarship.

Also, is there a way to find out who won in your state

Ya, for we can refer work to them. Never know when you get that weird phone call about inspecting college dorms for fire safety.

I challenged the test after scanning the documents and failed with a 78.7%. I retook the test and passed. Keep im mind that my back ground is in industrial and commercial fire inspections. There is nothing wrong with their information, most of it is very good. Had I paid $400.00 for this course I would be very upset.

I have done this traing for years and would be glad to set up a free course for NACHI that would include commercial buildings.

I can hear Nick dialing you now, Gary!

David Macy asks:

As for discounts, I already negotiated a $100 discount for all InterNACHI members who want to take it.

As for awarding scholarships, they basically picked 2 randomly from each state from members who had live, dedicated inspection websites and that weren’t displaying any diploma mill logos.