No acces to septic from in the house now covered with cement

This is a photo of a septic line I had exposed in my basment. When I bought the house I had access to this area. When Id flush the toilet you can see the running water from under this area there were rocks and dirt covering in it. The septic clean out os located outside this is were the clean out is done. I also have my water pump to my well down there somewhere. Ok so had an issue with garden snakes popping out because remember it was only covered with dirt and gravel with only the exposure of the water going through. My tenant took it upon himself and sealed it with concrete. Can this be a problem? Or am I over thinking the situation. Do I need access to this area? See photos below. Any feedback would help.

If you could see water every time you flushed the toilet, you have a lot bigger problems and need to have a plumber make corrections.


Oh, Geez Louis… now that I think harder about it there should have been a pipe running through with access in case it got clogged. It’s an old house built in 1950. I’m guessing the previous homeowner used it as an access point in case of a septic clog. I use my home to learn. It is an old house with small issues where I can study. Good thing for home inspection bad thing for me. I mean the house came with an S-Trap under the kitchen sink. That’s how old it is. thank you for the info though it always helps me learn. I am determined to become one of the best in this industry. Glad I’m a part of this group. :relieved: