NY Septic Systems

Originally Posted By: jbowman
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I found this interesting reading:

State Sen. John R. Kuhl, Jr., R-Hammondsport, recently introduced legilation that would allow local authorities to continue to oversee the installation of certain residential and commercial septic systems. The bill is Kuhl's reaction to new state Health Department guidelines that call for enforcement of a decades-old state law.

State law allows only professionally licensed architects or engineers to design and install the systems. Kuhl said he believes enforcing the law would triple the cost of installing or replacing residential or small commercial septic systems.

"This is a perfect example of unnecessary and extremely costly state regulation." Kuhl says.

The senator says he is confident that locally regulated watershed enforcement authorities throughout the state use trained inspectors. In the cases where a local inspector does not have the capability to meet specific site restrictions, property owners are referred to certified engineers.

This was extracted from the Elmira "Star Gazette" dtd. Monday, May 10, 2004.