I am curious what the entertainers will have for the country when Trump wins again. Funny how they say ‘imagined violence’. But the right are the violent ones? No Republican would be treated with such kid gloves.
Me as well. In the first debate, Trump threw so many lies out (by design I think) that Biden’s brain basically locked up trying to process and formulate a response to all of them. A “fresher” candidate won’t let him get away with that I don’t think.
We’re not voting on his failures, you are! We’re voting in his successes! Funny how Biden was allowed to get along with his failures for so long, nary a critical word. If you want to talk about failures you need to start in your own party.That should keep you busy for a long time.
It is so funny wathing the Loony Left implode and crying that the Right might start all types of lawsuits as a result of Oatmeal For Brains dropping out. Hmmm seems like lawfare that has been going on against Trump for years.
Karma really is a bitch and what goes around eventually comes around!
They’re drinking to much Koolaid to understand what you are trying to say. Add to it their 2nd grade mentality and they just can’t process reality. Give them a break.