OBC - assistance designing an Apartment bldg

Hi, I have building area on a vacant lot that I would like to building an apartment building on it measures approximately 90’ x 360’ long.

As I would like to have as many apartments on this lot, what would be the closest I could build two apartment buildings parallel to each other, according to part 9 Ontario Building Code (OBC) such as:

Lot line

apartment x the length of the buildable area of this lot
corridor x the length of the buildable area of this lot
apartment x the length of the buildable area of this lot

space between the 2 buildings

apartment x the length of the buildable area of this lot
corridor x the length of the buildable area of this lot
apartment x the length of the buildable area of this lot

Lot line

The spatial separation / limiting distance would also dictate the total amount of windows to the walls facing each other in what could be either a courtyard below or perhaps an Atrium.

One last question, that being how many feet / metres would the travel distance be to an exit? I have indicated on my preliminary drawings a stairwell at each end of the building, however the travel distance may just be a bit too far! perhaps a 3rd stair may be required?

Thanks for your help.

It would seem that you would be best served by addressing relevant professionals in the jurisdiction that you would be building. I don’t know who that is, exactly in Canada, but around here you would speak to a qualified architect or the Construction Code office and Zoning Administrator, etc.

He is from BC so if he was building here he would need a Zone permit only available in City Hall. After that he would submit plans to bid on the job.
As for part 9 of the building code we could not give info here on it anyways.

All governed by a site plan agreement with the local municipal government. Municipalities set the lot coverage, and lot density, lot setbacks for front side and rear yards, parking requirements per unit etc. Get a copy of the local municipal bylaws to find out the standard parameters and try to develop within that. If that won’t work out then best hire a development planner to lay out the ground plan . Good luck