October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

My thoughts are with you guys that have to go through all of this. 10 months after the birth of our son at the age of 41, my wife was diagnosed with stage III breast cancer. It’s been two years since her final chemo treatment and a year since her final surgery phase, which included a double mastectomy and full hysterectomy. She wishes that there was a day that she could go through pain free, but her biggest wish is to watch our kids grow old. The ironic spin to this is that she is the head of the mammography program of what is now the 11th largest hospital group in the U.S. Not a lot of people are more knowleadgeable on this subject than she. Which, is a good thing but also a bad thing. One ‘perk’ she has found…when the Chicago Bears pay tribute to Breast Cancer Surviviors, she was chosen to be the representative survivor on the field before the game starts. First football game for her.
