Sounds like you got all the crdentials you need to be in business. This HI bill doesn’t take effect for another two years. Unless you are precluded for some other reasons I would go on about doing home inspections and position yourself further along. Sounds to me like you are on the right track and have already done what you need to do. Rock on!
Drink a lot
Have a drivers licence (with no points)
Passed a background check
Am not a REGESITERED sex offender
Have two kids
Have two dogs
Need Money
I meet or exceed all Florida requirements under public law #### to conduct home inspections. I have been in business for xx # of years
I think the above is all that is needed to comply with the law. If one wants list additional RELEVENT information have at it but I do have a problem with inspectors (you know who you are) that say that you are licenced - yes we know that you are licence to do something else or that you have an occupational licence (I have three) – Lets keep it above board and not mislead the public with worthless degrees that we bought on some internet site
Just my thoughts
NOW are we ready to do some phone calls, emails, snail mails, etc. to KILL this bill??
This is crap and we all know it so lets not say “lets try to make the good with the bad”.
Lets say you have a son or daughter who has helped you in the business for many years and would like to take it over – You have trained them very well and lets say that they have a MBA from a good Florida collage and 2 years from now they will have to do 80 hrs of school where they could probably be the # 1 instructor and take an exam that they could pass with one hand behind their back. Oh and the school wants $2000.00
Lets get back to the ball game here — This is a bad bill –
Someone step up to the plate and show me where my thinking is wrong
Jay sorry for posting my crap in this thread but I really don’t want to start another one on this very important subject
Someone start one on “Thoughts on Florida HI legislation and I will post”
Since this is not a licencing bill anyway but crap regulation
Thank you for your hard work people like you make a impack on many of us!
Tony Merced
The latest bill has been moved up to the House for Review. Its CRUNCH time!
04/12/06 HOUSE Now in State Administration Appropriations (FC)
04/13/06 HOUSE On Committee agenda-- State Administration Appropriations
(FC), 04/17/06, 3:00 pm, 12-H
Not to many complaining thus year.
The Insurance Committee recommends the following: … [FONT=Courier]Section 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 2006. :shock:
I recommend they kiss my _ _ _
Any action on the results of the people that have contacted you on the bill?
Any thought that you care to share?
The clock is running out
Am I the only one out here trying to kill this thing?
If so I hope that everyone that is for it is sending their good words to the state
Trust me send those good words supporting the bill and I will send them on. Trust me
In short we have not heard much on this subject for a while.
Oh btw I did get the email about you alls chapter meeting – never did get on about the bill
Something tells me that we think that we are player and in reality we are not
And as far as the Central Florida Chapter goes I guess I will have to stand out side the next mold meeting and collect business cards to get any idea who is a member
Hard to get involved in something that is growing in its own secret way
The text of the bill was already changed to the effective date of July 7th. 2006.
HB 161 CS - Building Assessment and Remediation
The next Hurdle is…
Someone is handholding and walking this bill right through, it is a done deal and this is merely the formalities we are witnessing, its happening just like I was told it would happen. Whoever is behind this is taking no chances of a screw-up this year, the wheels appear to have been well greased.
Not over yet
What do you think about kicking the grandpa inspection limit to 500 and the schooling to 140 hrs like New York??
That is what I am sending in my emails
If we are going to regulate then lets do it
This is a little bit of a wake up call to our leg reps.
I was also thinking of saying that insurance limits were too low but that would hurt me a tad too much
Here is the latest.
[FONT=Verdana]Still waiting for them to sneak the Unfair and Deceptive Practice Act back in, not yet thankfully.
[size=3]There is still some confusion as to the effective date that must be worked out… **Section 3. **Provides an effective date of July 1, 2006, although some provisions of the bill have a different effective date.
04/18/06 HOUSE On Council agenda-- Commerce Council, 04/20/06, 12:30 pm, 404-H
Let us know how that goes Jay .
Get ready.
For or against
What has every one done?
The job you save might be yours. Not that you can’t comply with the requlations - it might be that you can’t afford to stay in the profession.
Not all areas of Florida have the high real estate values and can have clients in the $400.00 plus, 5 client plus per week market
Good regulation Yes – this is not good regulation – Please contact you reps and ask them to shut this bill down.
A short hand written note works – contact at least one or two other HI’s in Florida and ask them to do the same. Remember not all Hi’s are NACHI members and many Florida NACHI members do not read this BB
Lets get going here
Almost 2900 views, only 177 posts including ours. I have been getting calls and email more for explaination than for or against. The trend appears if you meet the GF clause you are for if not your against.
Some things never change.