They are - she was on national tv wasn’t she? And isn’t she just so pretty! Body by Fisher, Brains by Mattel.
With al the “advances” made in education in this country, we have slipped in what we produce in our schools.
There is no “global” competition in education.
We outsource production to countries that dont educate, and dont pay, because they do it for LESS.
We outsource every IT helpdesk to wherever, because they pay their help desk personnel 1/4 of what we pay them here. What do we get? Anyone who has ever called a credit card company, or for computer help knows the scenario. And this is good?
We use software developers from India, not because they are smarter than American programmers, but because they are CHEAP labor.
We have government contractors like IBM doing this every day, and we do nothing.
My son receives a good education by today’s standard. He learns a little of everything every year, and masters NOTHING. He is under so much pressure to pass measurement tests it’s not funny. It’s sad, actually.
Children cant grow up. They have no time to play. There is no summer vacation, because there are reading lists. Each year we spend an average of $60 per child on school supplies.
My 2nd grader has to bring 2 packs of 36 pencils to class onthe 1st day. He has 24 students in his class. There are 3-2nd grade classes. There are 3 of every type of class. Thats 72 pencils times 24 students = 1728 pencils times three 2nd grade classrooms = 5184 pencils forthe 2nd grade. Multiple this by the 4 grades in the school (not counting Kindergarten) and the grand total is 20,736 pencils mandated for purchase in a single elementary school. We have three elementary schools. That’s 62,208 pencils across 3 elementary schools. This doesnt count the Middle School and High School.
62,000 pencils. And we wonder why our kids cant survive financially. Why they babble. Look at the educational leadership in this country. They mandate without thinking. Thay cant figure out why 62,000 pencils are needed. They dont care.
Time was, we had the brightest inthis country. Time was, we had the best workers, the most production, etc. Time was…
Time was that education was education. You didnt need a masters degree to answer the telephone. Not everyone was cut out or steered toward college. And it was okay.
Are top universitied are still the envy of the world.
And we still produce a fair number of Nobel prize winners. The girl is a beauty queen for crying out loud.
True, when some of us wanted to start small with ‘local’ competition, it was ruled unconstitutional.
What is America’s infant mortality rate compared to the rest of the developed world?
We might have rich academics, but poor application of knowledge.
I’m sorry guys but we can’t blame this on our/your educational system. It’s not “Like” she was asked to add 2+2=? I agree with Ken part of it was probably due to stage fright, she was clearly in survival mode.
One would think that natural intelligence would have kicked in but…
That’s what I was talking about. It’s a wonderful program, the Hope scholarship. I wish we had it here for my kids. However, the remedial work is just sad.
That isn’t any excuse. The whole idea behind the pagents was to show that women could be beautiful and still answer questions like that. They put the questions in to ensure that the girls aren’t all beauty and no brains. Hopefully she didn’t win.
She sure didn’t do anything to dispel the blonde bombshell myths however. :roll:
Like I is understand hers, My laugage skillz is vatzly super thens hers.
Perapples later we can alz understanz whatz was spoke.
Third world countries with underfunded school systems surpass the U.S. in math and science? WHY?
Pour more money in to schools…Well that seems like an easy answer right? Wrong … It’s not the answer in Chicago… Yet we spend 90+ Million dollars busing kids around town…FOR what? To even out the level of education so our “poorer” kids can benefit…
Yet Mexico still has better results … 200 bucks per kid or 15,000 bucks per kid…
Children and adults in this country still can’t tell you where ICELAND is or North Korea is located on the map let alone Mount Rushmore!!!
Hell most people can even tell you what is the significance of 7-4-1776!
I have heard third world young children express themselves clearer then some of our older Chicago public school educated children.
Watch Jay Leno’s Streetwalking segments and cringe…:shock:
China and India pump out more engineers than we do and will dominate the next century and lead the world while we loose our global standing faster and faster and become a nation of the second class.
Spez checkers used to spelz me worlds…er words;-)