OpenVAERS vaccine adverse events reports

He actually died from bacterial pneumonia, like all who die from “COVID”.



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People are dying from misinformation, not anchored in fact.
Whatever risks the vaccine has, the virus has more.

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You’re cuckoo for fear porn.

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Does anyone here know how to put 1 and 2 together?

Now some here will claim the “dishonest mockingbird media” is the problem here.
But if you simply claim the media is a lie, that’s lazy. The above represents the hard work of statistical analysis. Simply resting on a belief that our government (or is it all governments) are lying requires only a tweet, or a search for some tiny fringe confirming voice. Not a comparable effort.

Corporate Suck-Up.

Too bad the NY Slime wants me to pay a $1 a week subscribe. I would rather have the paper and save on TP.

Hitchen’s Razor: What can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.

Use a bidet.
And go to more primary sources:

“It is estimated that over 1.5 million adolescents have received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. To date, the observed rate of myocarditis reports in those less than 18 years of age in Moderna’s global safety database does not suggest an increased risk of myocarditis in this population.”

"On Friday evening, the FDA informed Moderna that the agency requires additional time to evaluate recent international analyses of the risk of myocarditis after vaccination. "

Scared? Back to the NY Times:

“If you look at an isolated risk, you could really get yourself very worked up and scared,” said Dr. Brian Feingold, an expert on heart inflammation in children at UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh.

But Covid-19 itself, he noted, is much more apt to damage the heart permanently: “Statistically, that’s way more likely.”

“Myocarditis is usually a post-pubertal phenomenon,” Dr. Offit said, adding, “That made me feel better about the fact that we won’t be unpleasantly surprised” by a surge in myocarditis in younger children after they are immunized.

He say’s this even though

The “push” on this vaccine is amazing.


Even Faux Chi asserts that truth, Dumbass.