OpenVAERS vaccine adverse events reports

Nice Mama pic King David…LOL!!

It looks like she’e ready to eat that pie in one bite. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


She has one of those Doris Day personas: “Whatever will be, will be.”… “Fat? Que sera sera.”
Dumbass. Whatever we ALLOW to happen, will happen.

Just like you…

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That’s actual research at work, not meme-generation. All risks must be put in context, else you get things like people not wearing seatbelts out of concern they may delay egress from a vehicle that’s fallen into water… or people who remove smoke detectors out of concern for radioactive material… or post crap about raw VAERS reports having meaning.

News flash: the vaccine does not prevent the bad things that happen to people. If you want to impress anybody, come up with evidence that stoke or brain hemorrhage rates are up, or rates are up only for vaccinated persons.

If not you’re just making noise.

News flash:
Recently vaccinated child failed his math test.
Recently vaccinated person won lottery.
Recently vaccinated child fell and stubbed her toe.

You are living proof that you can’t fix stupid. Good luck with your offspring. God willing, they will be given the placebo and not the toxic “vaccine”.

“David realizes he was looking into a mirror when typing his response”. David now understands, you can’t fix stupid.

Fortunately, there was a reaction and soreness at the injection site…
so we know with confidence they got an actual agent. A saline injection would not
do that.

Extraordinary claims without extraordinary proof can be dismissed summarily. You’re spouting absolute babbling looneytoon nonsense talking about a placebo vaccine: even if you can normaly spelll it’s.

Slovenian Nurse Exposes Politicians Getting Saline Placebos and There’s a Way to See What you Got, Real or Placebo

Tell your child that, when he wakes you in the middle of the night to inform you that there are armed men downstairs in your house.