Tonights “investor inspection” Meter mounted 25’ from house. THe service entrance appears to be home owner DIY. I can’t see this being done by the utility company … or could it:shock:
A few more
What was the service disconnect breaker rated for? If that’s the SEC and it’s labeled 1 awg al, the maximum breaker is 110 amps. Doesn’t look like a job the electric co. would do but then again…
No, it couldn’t. It needs correction by an electrician.
That is URD cable. While it can be directy buried, at the correct depth, it must have physical protection where exposed.
URD can be “USE”, Underground Service Entrance cable, but only if it carries the dual rating (URD/USE). Only URD for 600 volts or less will be identified as USE. URD for primary medium voltage will be PE, XLP, EPR, PVC, or CSP.
Oh my. Defer to a qualified electrician.
Just got off the phone with the real estate agent (part time school teacher that just got her RE license) She is dumbfounded that I would call that out. :roll:
Thanks for the back up all.
Hmmm… guessing this does not mean “Residential Electrician” License.
That house is wired off of a temporary pole, chances are it was not permitted, at least past the rough code inspection. Power companiies don’t do things like that.I doubt if anyone could ever get HO insurance.
Running the lawn mower around the yard could be an ‘enlightening’ experience !!
Truly electrifying! :shock::mrgreen:
That is labelled USE. I saw exactly the same thing in North Dakota last week. 100’ of USE running across the yard. The operative word is “UNDERGROUND”. That is what it is rated for. You can’t use it above ground without a raceway (not white plumbing pipe) and it also can’t be used inside the house (not flame retardant)
The optimum word here is " dumbfounded "…tell her the next time she wants to play electrician that licenses are generally required…and if she likes school so much the electrical apprentice programs will provide her with 2 years of it additionally if she would like to attend some…
Man I just dont get RE Agents…guess I need another " coruption post " started…lol
You should have told here that you are equally dumbfounded that she is a real estate agent