Does anyone know how to block any particular person from sending emails to your OUTLOOK? I see where you can identify the emails as junk or adult… but how bout just blocking any emails that come from a particular person?
I am sooooo sick of seeing PayPal notices… 10-12 per day I bet…
Outlook 2003 has a *very *effective junk email filter. What version do you have? If 2003, click <tools> <rules and alerts>.
(Russell Cloyd, KY LIC #166164, IN LIC#HI02300068)
I use the spambayes outlook addin. Its really cool. you train it to reject any email that you do not wish to receive. After training, it will reject 99% of all spam too. Here is the link:
Its easy to set up and train and adds tool bar buttons to your outlook window.
thanks again… i am starting to get a handle on it… I have 2002 version that came with an office package.
I have mcafee spamkiller that came with my antivirus that I forgot about… duuuuhhhh!
that seems to be working real well now… and there is a training period too… i like that you can report back to the admistrator of the spam if needed… sending a boiler plate complaint to them…