For Pete’s sake Roy!
“Welcome to NACHI please use the spell checker?”
They speak French. It’s not the end of the world if it is difficult to post.
For Pete’s sake Roy!
“Welcome to NACHI please use the spell checker?”
They speak French. It’s not the end of the world if it is difficult to post.
We are talking about P2P, if you have nothing intelligent to add stay out of the discussion, please.
Well I guess that rules out you and Roy.
I haven’t read anything intelligent out of that hole beneath your nose yet. I think you are on Mondays words. You have used up your quota for this week.
Remember the 12 year old who they say passed the NACHI test .
His Dad has a P2P franchise and is a member of a different association in the USA .
I Sort of makes you wonder how this came about .
Sort of makes you wonder why it was pulled from the news so quickly .
I guess some one did not like the idea of have to get up in court and swear to tell the truth .
Looks good on P2P .
The one who bought the Franchise in my area had a variety store took the 10 day teach you every thing course from P2p.
I was at many meeting with him and was very embarrassed with his questions .
I have had many clients who knew a lot more the he did .
He did not last two years .
A lot of money for zip.
Roy Cooke
I had forgotton about that 12 year old, Roy!
I know of a guy in the Ottawa area who is covering Hawksbury all the way to Cobden,… he is having trouble covering such a big area that has enrolled his son to help,… and I don’t mean write notes but perform home inspections. Pulled him out of school and now his son is a HI. :shock:
By the way P2P people have to purchase the area they want to perform home inspections. I don’t have to purchase zones - I can go were ever I want. Something to consider.
Yes and I bet that school boy could be Nationally Certified too!