Please help identify

This was in the backyard of a house which was on public water and public sewer. Company name on cap is Baker Mfg. Would appreciate help in understanding what it might be. Thank you all.

Appears to be a private well. They are still around, even when the home is on public utilities. Did you find a pressure tank in the home?


Ditto that.

Thank you. No tank or other indications of a well. I was thinking it may be abandoned?!

It may be abandoned. Are you sure it was on your client’s property? Wells should also be mentioned in the home’s disclosure statements.

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Yes it was dead center of backyard. It was complicated by the fact that the house is built on a crawlspace with NO access. All mechanicals were in garage on elevated platform. Home is at the Jersey shore in a flood zone.

The well could be used for irrigation.

If it is abandoned it may have to be capped.


There was a sprinkler system so I’m thinking it may run off the well?! But the fact that I could not locate a pressure tank left me wondering.

Note it in your report and state that no other equipment associated with the well was observed. Recommend information be requested from the current homeowner about the condition and status of the well.

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Excellent. Thank you all for the help. Much appreciated.


This is a water well head. If it is still in due there will be a storage tank somewhere nearby.

Paul- thank you for the information !

If the well is for lawn irrigation, there is no reason to have a pressure tank.