Where do we post corrections?
Found the statement to be a very poor accounting of our SOP but at least it’s a step in the right direction.
All stairs should routinely receive the inspection of the items listed, as the minimum seeing as we know "Stairways are some of the most hazardous areas of a home."
"This level of inspection is far beyond what an inspector would do on a general home inspection and far exceeds ****InterNACHI’s Standards of Practice.](http://www.nachi.org/sop.htm%20?PHPSESSID=2079a60c1fb427a4ec9a618cab5abba9) "
Guys, either post the corrections here or email me at fastreply@nachi.org please. Thanks so much.
All contributors to this document will be duly credited.
Nick, you should let Lewis proof this for you, he would love to catch you in a mistake! Early Christmas present.
I’ll take help from anyone. Email him and tell him to go to Interior forum and help out. I will credit it along with you near bottom of document.