Porch/ISN: We've expanded free "Buy Your Home Back" Guarantees into 2 more states.

That is not true. What am I using to pay for it? Dollars? Bitcoins? Jars of pickled pigs feet? Silver bars? What?

Lets start with this.

  1. Do you either sell to porch, give to porch, trade with porch, Barter in anyway with porch, or give to inspectors that are in the porch program the Buy back Guaranty without the inspector having to pay you the normal fee for it ?




Then please explain why those inspectors get that are in this porch program get their Buy back guaranty Free ?


In these conversations (Jim or Nick) change sell or buy to benefit?

Porch benefits from garnering/obtaining/gleaning/extracting (whatever) DATA from the RE transaction.

So, I think some of what is being discussed is that of does the inspector or their client become directly or indirectly harmed when Porch benefits from said exchange/gathering… whatever.

Not taking a position at this time, however, a few questions…

1.) Is there documentation or similar to help an inspector who is interested in the program understand exactly what data is being exchanged?

2.) Also, do we need to have a client agree to have their information sold/exchanged/whatever to a 3rd Party? Is there an example of verbiage?

3.) Have Insurer’s examined the impacts of these programs in regards to an inspectors liability for some grievance claimed by their information being sold/bartered or ? Meaning, has anyone asked an insurer if the inspector would be defended in case of such claim. Just curious.

Because Porch pays for their “We’ll Buy Your Home Back” Guarantees. InterNACHI doesn’t.

Hummm, I would imagine.that should make for a very interesting money trail.

So basically you are telling us that:

MICB (a company Nick owns) is a Partner/shareholder etc. and private stock owner of Porch (a company buying Home Inspectors client private information) buy paying NACHI (another company Nick owns) for the Inspectors Buy Back Guarantee fees, (a program Nick and or Nachi developed, run and own).

Are you really telling us that

  1. You nor NACHI have nothing to do with how the inspectors are getting this Buy Back Guarantee for free ? and also

  2. That you do not market this new porch (a partner of yours) program and attempt to entice inspectors into participating in the new porch program ?


  1. You nor NACHI has no knowledge that porch is offering this program to NCHI inspectors so that they can collect the inspectors clients private information ?


It appears you succeeded in formulating one long sentence that is not only completely untrue overall, but each part is individually untrue.

I’ll dissect it:

No. MICB is not only a non-profit organization, it is also federally tax exempt (two different things). It has maintained its tax exempt status for the past 12 years: https://certifiedmasterinspector.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/24/2017/01/Master-Inspector-Certification-Board-Tax-Exempt.pdf . It never issued stock so it isn’t owned by anyone and can’t ever be owned by anyone. In fact, not only is it not owned by me, not owned by anyone, not able to be owned by anyone ever, but it also never even employed me or paid me one red penny and it publishes its 990 tax returns online each year showing it is run solely by a CPA and volunteers like me.

Sort of. Because I donated my stock in Porch to the MICB, MICB is a stockholder in that privately held company. I made it a gift and received no tax deduction for it. I basically paid for Porch stock with my own post-tax dollars and then donated it to the MICB. In other words, I not only paid for the stock, I personally paid the tax on it for the MICB.

No. Porch doesn’t buy any private information.

No. Like the MICB, InterNACHI is not only a non-profit organization, it is also federally tax exempt (two different things). It has maintained its tax exempt status for the past 13 years: IRS grants InterNACHI tax-exempt status. - InterNACHI . It never issued stock so it isn’t owned by anyone and can’t ever be owned by anyone.

We came up with the program, but it’s simply an idea. The idea isn’t owned or patented. Anyone can offer to buy a home back. I certainly don’t “own” the program.

Furthermore, what your insinuating (that somehow I’m personally profiting from this) is silly and I’ll give you numerous reasons (there are probably way more):

  1. I don’t get any money from the Buy Back program. It’s run by InterNACHI.
  2. InterNACHI doesn’t charge anyone any extra for the Buy Back program if they sign up for Porch or if they don’t. InterNACHI cares not who’s name is on the credit card.
  3. Porch, paying for the Buy Back program for inspectors is not terribly unusual. About 1/4th of all participating inspectors don’t actually pay for the Buy Back program themselves. In other words, someone or some other entity pays for it on behalf of the inspector. If your Mom wants you to participate in the Buy Back program, we’re happy to bang her credit card each time. Cha ching! InterNACHI doesn’t care who’s name is on the card.
  4. The Buy Back program doesn’t make InterNACHI any money. It actually loses money. It’s just a service InterNACHI provides to some of its members who desire it.

Anyway, I couldn’t make your statement more wrong if I tried.

Nothing. Other than it’s my job to alert our members to this offer.

InterNACHI also has nothing to do with how inspectors are getting $6,500.00 cash back (on top of whatever price they negotiated with the dealer) from FORD. Other than it’s my job to alert our members to this offer: InterNACHI(R) Member Discount on Ford Vehicles - InterNACHI

That’s two questions. Yes, we certainly tell our members about every awesome offer they can avail themselves of, if they so choose. No, InterNACHI doesn’t entice inspectors. InterNACHI isn’t offering any inspectors anything on either the Porch or Ford programs. InterNACHI has nothing to offer.

Nope. Because Porch doesn’t. Porch responds to consumers.

Hey thanks Nick for the explanation of your tax exempt srtatus you have set up, it sure does clear up a few things.

forgetting about all of that are you saying that porch will still Pay for inspectors buy back guarantees, give them the $200.00 credit for work to give to their clients, and also still give any other perks WITHOUT collecting any of the clients data ? If not, then why?
