Possibility of a future MMA Championship match

Try golf the hardest game I ever played, and you can play it all of your life.

I know erby as he is the web guy for KREIA where I am a member. Always helpful and very active in our industry . I’m with nick, I am 54 and was a kick boxer from 17-35. When the pain started outweighing the pleasure I have it up and went to farming…peach of mind far outweighed a won fight where I am still recovering three weeks later… Old age is a cruel partner!

My last competitive adventure was joining a mens soccer league to get in shape about 8-9 years ago. I was coaching both my kids teams and had for over 10 years and it seemed like a good idea. I tore my ACL in the first quarter of the first game of the year and I havent even played softball since that surgery. I am sick of surgeries and the time it takes to heal. Golf bores me to death unless there’s a beer cart and I used to shoot about bogie golf.

Thanks for the concern everyone. I really don’t feel that old being 41. I feel like a 19 year old on most days. Even at my age I am still very quick. In my sophomore year in High School, I ran the mile in 4:16. At the age of 27, in the Army, I ran 2 miles, in 13:23. I don’t know how fast I am today though.

A few years ago I had an Oak tree fall on me, timbering trees and it put me down for a while. I haven’t felt the same ever since. I do have a couple of hernias that might cripple me if I get hit there. Umbilical Hernia at my belly button (the most painful), and a Hiatal Hernia right above it. Sometimes the pain drops me. Two years ago, I was inspecting a crawlspace and the pain hit me, I didn’t think that I would live that day. It’s always a good idea, to let someone know where you’ll be, before you go into a crawl or an attic.

I guess that I just wanted to fight my a… off (win or lose) without getting arrested for malicious wounding. I respect everyone of you and since Nick and George were professional fighters, I’ll take the advice that you all have given me.

Michael buddy, I’ve enjoyed reading your posts over the last year since I’ve became a member and you seem like a pretty good guy so I’m saying this respectfully as a suggestion. Have you tried running? It sounds like you have a lot of something stored up that you need to release. It’s an amazing way to release stored up energy and adrenaline and it’s kind of like fighting against yourself. Honestly, it feels great when you’ve pushed yourself and accomplished something, plus there’s a lot less risk of harming yourself… or someone else if you don’t find a way to channel it. It works for me anyway.