Possible S trap

He is, he just doesn’t know why… it’s not technically an s-trap, but rather improperly vented p-trap.

Yes that is correct. That P-trap is not being vented at all. I consider this an s trap.

I can go along with that… :smile:

I highly recommend CE :slight_smile: It’s good for edumication :wink:

That’s fine try to get that configuration passed anywhere where s traps are prohibited you’re gonna be fighting an uphill battle. Once the direction of the drain turns down after the p trap you have an s trap. It doesn’t matter if that length of pipe is 1” long of 10’ long. This configuration goes one step further and adds another change of direction until it his a drain we assume is vented.

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that is not true…length matters…

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Wow! You flippin’ guys are bored…
Go talk to the wife for a while… :sunglasses:

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That’s what I thought too Jim, but I guess we are being told we are wrong. :rofl: :upside_down_face:

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What timing for an s-trap post.
This is from today’s inspection

The weir to the plumbing vent was about 3 feet below this trap in the crawlspace.

They still sell S-trap kits at my local HD even though it’s been banned for quite a while in MD. Thank you DIY shows and YouTube!

now that is an s trap…

Yup, matches this one,


It’s an attempt at a “Vertical Leg Trap Arm,” which is acceptable in some jurisdictions. It was removed from CA Codes somewhere around 2009.

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Thanks, Jeff! :smile:

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I’m waiting for M Parks to comment before I’m satisfied with a definitive answer.


Chris, leave it to you to stir the pot!

Why when such an excellent job of explaining this has already been done?

I was up in your neck of the woods the last three weeks filling in as plumbing inspector. I do back up for building departments. Electrical, Plumbing and full residential.

Puff Daddy!