Originally Posted By: Jay Moge This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
i agree, but a car is designed to be operated that way. electricity is not. i’m not an electrician, so i guess my knowlage is only exceeded by my fear.
Originally Posted By: Jay Moge This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
i’m not chalanging you. meerly stating that i feel safer, if not just plain safe, if the curcit on any line over 120vac is disconnected. i am quite educated but apparently only enough to know that much. a roofer would tell you that walking any roof is o.k. as long as you know what your doing. but hay if i’m uncomfotable walking a certian pitch, guess what. right, i’m not going up. does that make me uneducated? i don’t feel as that’s realy it though. gut feeling tells me no, i listen. My uncle is a sparky as are several of my friends, and i’v done many jobs with them and i still make sure that a 240vac curcit be off while i’m working on it. that’s me though.
Originally Posted By: Michael D Thomas This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
?Or you get an old circuit panel and pull a disconnect on it to disconnect the panel. Sometimes if it’s old enough, you can get an arc explosion. So deenergizing is actually working live, and workers need to take the proper precautions.?