I quit listening to Fox News about a year ago. The hatred and venom that spewed forth was more than I could bear and the predictions of doom and gloom…but now, I see the light.
It was often reported by them that a black democrat would never be a president until pigs flew and now…after only 100 days…swine flu.
Obama is perpetuating a stereotype. On one hand his administration is going after lenders, claiming they targeted black neighborhoods and caused the people in those communities to borrow way more than they could ever afford to repay, while at the same time Obama goes out and borrows 2 trillion… way more than he can ever afford to repay.
… and furthermore, inflation (the monster waiting on the other side of this recovery and created by borrowing) is disproportionately harder on minorities.
You could triple the price of a gallon of milk tomorrow morning and I wouldn’t know.
I applaud you Michael.
What is the deal with Republicans trying to get the public to believe the last pandemic happened under a democratic president too? They are just one year off.
That is odd Nick as the two biggest improvements in the health of the public world wide ever, is Potable drinking water and Sewage treatment, both brought to you by the Big Government. :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
Cant blame him on that one because he did not know till it happen. Military leaders did that one fellows.
And i know he is the boss , But sometimes he trust your managers to do a job they screwed up.