
Meeker - looks like you have direct competition

Bill I think he’s got Mike beat. He offers Thermal. Mike doesn’t… :mrgreen:


For $50 too!:shock:

He started months ago at $50. I posted then. He has no clue on how to make it all work :slight_smile:

It’s like car sales pitch or something, pretty lame

Why did I move again…oh yea… :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Whoops there goes another $150 4 point inspection for Friday :slight_smile:

For the record I do believe I missed out on one today for not offering a COMBO schmuck deal but I am smiling and not feeling abused :slight_smile:

A whole 150? :mrgreen:

Yep for a 4 point and I am damn proud to be getting it.

2 mits and 2 roof condition reports 2 houses total $280 :slight_smile:

STOP BUNDLING it is a waste of money :slight_smile: They need them all why give it away :slight_smile:

$850, comprehensive single family, 4-point, wind mit…all done…Time for chicken wings! :mrgreen:


Why doesn’t this sink drain?

Picture number 3: You might be a redneck…

Vapor locked.

Picture 1::shock: That’s a first…

Keep them all I do NOT like them :slight_smile: Have ya ever heard me say that before?

Tomorrow is a $350 condo. I’ll be done in an hour and a half. You like those? :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Notice how he replies to me. LOL

My first inspection tomorrow 3342 sq ft $918.00

Is that sarcastic? You are an insurance tool and bore me. I pretty much know what you will say on most cases.

Eric, No I do not LIKE WRITTEN INSPECTIONS, Period :slight_smile:

Walk and talks :slight_smile:

A walk and talk is not a home inspection and cannot be done under a home inspection license.