QOD for 12/31/2005


Are we converting?

Yes David I do.

At one time I asked to be able to post questions here but was turned down. :frowning:
You would think that whoever is in charge would post more questions, perhaps they are busy elsewhere.

I used to really love this part of the board.:smiley:

Well…the solution to this would be for someone to start a “Question Of The Day” thread and just keep posting questions on this specific thread on a periodic basis.

Would you like me to start one?

David, that would be a good idea, since John B. hardly comes on anymore and that was his thing, it would be interesting to have something similar.

I used to like that and it also promotes one doing a little research to get it correct.
So, we all learn.

Marcel :slight_smile: :smiley:

I have a question, How come the tire on my God%#@ wheelbarrel is always flat when I need to use it?

I used to say that all the time, until I went to Home Depot and bought a green tire.

Never have a flat again. ha. ha.

Marcel :slight_smile: :smiley:


Hey, I meant a tire for a wheelbarrow, not a Yuke. ha. ha.


Marcel :slight_smile: :smiley: :wink:

Ain’t that SPECIAL…