question about payments to Nachi

Where do I find personal payment information on the Nachi web-site? I can’t remember what credit card I used, and I want to see when my bill is due. Sorry, I couldn’t find any other place to ask this.
This will get all your ?s answered

Log-in to Members-Only above right corner and follow the prompts to Renew your Membership.

Note: Lisa typically sends out renewal notices about 3 months in advance of expiring. You way wish to check your contact info on file while you are in Members-Only Account Info.

Are you a Student Member? I can’t locate you in the Inspector Membership list.

By your MB join date showing in the right of your posts… if that is when you also joined InterNACHI… your renewal date is February 2014.

I’m a student, I’m on the monthly plan of $49 a month. It’s no problem, I just must have overlooked it on my credit card statement. I was wondering if there was an area to update financial info or change over to the yearly plan (when I’m able).