Question About: Residential Electrical Inspections--Meter

Howdy, I’ve seen this question on the Florida State Exam, I’ve passed failed this thing now 5 times… (86 but three wrong in a section three times and 88 but two wrong in a section twice)

so after a year hiatus I am back studying, I would like to know what meter base this is… the text does NOT say…

I keep saying its a square base…just want a clear answer

Many Thanks in advanced

I’ve never heard of the term square base and why would they put such a meaningless question on a state exam? Can’t read the nameplate but it looks like 30 or 60 amp meter.

That’s an old outdated meter base/socket. It looks like something that should be in a museum.

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i think its a 30 amp, but I will say from experience 30 or 60 amp service wasn’t even an option!!! I am so close to passing, Im just not a good test taker…

i agree, for sure something i doubt we’d see in the field

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Is the the question ?

Which shape of meter base indicates that the home has a 60-amp electrical service?

The answer is : You can’t tell by the shape of the meter base

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That one and also this one, never says what it is in the course book too…

this what the text says…

if you are saying " the answer is you cant tell by the shape" and thats not an option, i dont follow

this is the question i see in the section exam and state test