Questions Of The Week May 30, 2020

Welcome to another round of Questions of The Week!

Please read the Introduction and requirements, changes may have been made.

A member of the Awards Committee will post questions, at a random day/time.

Eligible members may make one post per question thread to answer the questions, and the eligible member’s winning entry must have all parts of the questions answered completely in that one post. Editing your one answer post allowed will result in disqualification.

Any disregard to the above and divulging the correct answers or giving hints/references will cause a disqualification.

First correct answers (as judged by the Awards Committee or Poster of the Questions) wins.
Request your choice by emailing and submit your Mailing address for shipping.

Choose your prize from the following list!:

** $50.00 gift certificate from Inspector Outlet
** Case of books "Now That You’ve had A Home Inspection"
** Seventeen Custom Branded Videos value $50.00 ~ your choice!

  1. ) What is the minimum ceiling height for a basement area without habitable space, hallway, laundry or bathroom?

  2. ) In what basement is an escape and rescue opening NOT required?

  3. ) The rungs of a ladder, in an egress basement window well, must project a minimum of how many inches?

4, ) How wide must a spiral stairway be minimally?

5,) Exactly what is the maximum slope for treads and landings?

6, ) The screen of a skylight must meet what criteria?

7, ) Regarding drainage what is the top of the house foundation minimum elevation above drainage inlet or street gutter?

  1. ) If soils are what, must the roof drain discharge 5’ from the footing or to an approved drain system?

  2. ) What must be removed from crawlspaces?

10.) A 12’ joist is observed with a notch 1 ½” deep x 4 ½” long, the horizontal center line, of that notch, is 45 ¾” from the end of the joist. Is this okay?

Bonus question (because Marc wanted one.): In 1963 “The Trashmen” wrote Surfin’ Bird. What is THE word in that song?


My answers to the questions:

GREAT questions Larry THANK YOU! :smile:

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1- 6’ 8"
2- Basements that have an exit door or exit access door that opens directly into a public way or to a yard.
3- The rungs of an egress ladder must project a minimum of 3" away from the back wall, but can’t exceed 6" from the back of the wall.
4- 36 inches
5- 48 inches horizontal
6- Skylight screens shall be of such construction and mounting that they are capable of withstanding a load of at least 200 pounds applied perpendicularly at any one area on the screen.
7- 12 inches
8- Expansive or collapsible soils
9- Moisture
10- Yes

Great questions, Larry.

) What is the minimum ceiling height for a basement area without habitable space, hallway, laundry or bathroom?

no less than 6 feet 8 inches

) In what basement is an escape and rescue opening NOT required?

door that opens directly into a public way or to a yard, court or exterior exit balcony that opens to a public way.

) The rungs of a ladder, in an egress basement window well, must project a minimum of how many inches?

a minimum of 3" away from the back wall, but can’t exceed 6"

) How wide must a spiral stairway be minimally?

minimum clear width at and below the handrail of 26 inches

) Exactly what is the maximum slope for treads and landings?

1% slope (1/8 inch per foot)

) The screen of a skylight must meet what criteria?

support 400 lbs or twice the weight of the employee with tools/equipment.

) Regarding drainage what is the top of the house foundation minimum elevation above drainage inlet or street gutter?
Unknown. Sorry.

) If soils are what, must the roof drain discharge 5’ from the footing or to an approved drain system?

Back-fill, Impervious

) What must be removed from crawlspaces?

Damp humid air, high relative humidity

) A 12’ joist is observed with a notch 1 ½” deep x 4 ½” long, the horizontal center line, of that notch, is 45 ¾” from the end of the joist. Is this okay?


Not yet, guys… :man_shrugging:

Antone else want to try their luck/knowledge?

  1. ) What is the minimum ceiling height for a basement area without habitable space, hallway, laundry or bathroom? 6’-8" ceiling and 6’-4" @ beams
  2. ) In what basement is an escape and rescue opening NOT required? in basements less than 200 sf used for mechaanical equipment
  3. ) The rungs of a ladder, in an egress basement window well, must project a minimum of how many inches? minimum 3 inches from the wall

4, ) How wide must a spiral stairway be minimally? minimum 26" below handrail

5,) Exactly what is the maximum slope for treads and landings? 1/48 or 2%

6, ) The screen of a skylight must meet what criteria? screen should be able to support twice the weight of glazing, be firmly attached to framing, and the mesh opening of not more than 1" x 1"

7, ) Regarding drainage what is the top of the house foundation minimum elevation above drainage inlet or street gutter? 1 ft plus 2%

  1. ) If soils are what, must the roof drain discharge 5’ from the footing or to an approved drain system? if not a well-drain ground or sand gravel mixture soils.
  2. ) What must be removed from crawlspaces? debris , vegetation, organic material, wood forms from placing concrete.

10.) A 12’ joist is observed with a notch 1 ½” deep x 4 ½” long, the horizontal center line, of that notch, is 45 ¾” from the end of the joist. Is this okay? no, the notch is too long, exceeds 1/3 of the typical sawn lumber height

Bonus question (because Marc wanted one.): In 1963 “The Trashmen” wrote Surfin’ Bird . What is THE word in that song?

Somebody wants to take a shot… :grin:

Good questions Larry, thanks for your time!

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Come on! Give it a try!

Wow great questions Larry! I think you may just stump the Brainiacs out there!! :crazy_face:

Except if you are playing for some great prizes… :cowboy_hat_face:

There is still time…:clock1230:

Yay! Lukasz Lisowski wins!!! :smiley:

Chcę pogratulować zwycięzcy, Łukaszowi Lisowskiemu, od którego otrzymałem poprawną odpowiedź na wszystkie 10 pytań!

Jesteś pobłogosławiony wiedzą! Proszę, pokornie proszę, abyście stali się regularnymi uczestnikami naszego forum i dzielili się tą mądrością.

(I want to congratulate the winner, Lukasz Lisowski, from whom I received the correct answer to all 10 questions!)

Lukasz, please follow the directions on the 1st post to claim you choice of prize.

Questions and answers:

All answers are from CODE CHECK COMPLETE 2nd EDITION

  1. What is the minimum ceiling height for a basement area without habitable space, hallway, laundry or bathroom? Answer: 6’ 8” -page 12

  2. *In what basement is an escape and rescue opening NOT required? Answer:
    Basements =< 200 sq. ft. for mechanical equipment only. –page 12

  3. The rungs of a ladder, in an egress basement window well, must project a minimum of how many inches? Answer: 3” -page 13

  4. How wide must a spiral stairway be minimally? Answer: 26” –page 13

  5. Exactly what is the maximum slope for treads and landings? Answer: 2% -page 12

  6. The screen of a skylight must meet what criteria? Answer: Capable of supporting 2x glass weight and maximum of 1” mesh. –page 18

  7. Regarding drainage what is the top of the house foundation minimum elevation above drainage inlet or street gutter? Answer: 12” + 2” slope page 20

  8. If soils are what, must the roof drain discharge 5’ from the footing or to an approved drain system? Answer: Expansive or collapsible -page 20

  9. What must be removed from crawlspaces? Answer: All vegetation, organic material and wood forms. –page25

  10. A 12’ joist is observed with a notch 1 ½” deep x 4 ½” long, the horizontal center line, of that notch, is 45 ¾” from the end of the joist. Is this okay? No, page 30, figure 30 = Notch length exceeds 1/3 of typical milled lumber height.

Congrats Lukasz!

Congrats Lukasz!

Great job, Lukasz!

Congrats Lukasz!

You guys are awesome!
Thank you very much!


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Nice job Lukasz