Here we go Guys and Gals. Yes a new face here trying to lend a helping hand and support to adding educational values to our New and Existing Members from our InterNACHI Award Committee.
Being that it is “Crawl Space Saturday” this week’s questions are…you guessed it.
The one who correctly answers all questions ( tie breaker decided by first to answer extra credit question) will win a prize as follows;
You may now choose from the following list:
** $50.00 gift certificate from Inspector Outlet
** Case of books "Now That You’ve had A Home Inspection"
** Seventeen Custom Branded Videos value $50.00 ~ your choice!
**** Welcome to another round of Questions of The Week!
Please read the Introduction and requirements, changes may have been made.
A member of the Awards Committee will post questions, at a random day/time.
Eligible members may make one post per question thread to answer the questions, and the eligible member’s winning entry must have all parts of the questions answered completely in that one post. Editing your one answer post allowed will result in disqualification.
Any disregard to the above and divulging the correct answers or giving hints/references will cause a disqualification.
First correct answers (as judged by the Awards Committee or Poster of the Questions) wins.
T/F Questions must be answered with correct answer and why if opposite of the questioned asked.
The WINNER can now choose from any of the prizes listed above!
Request your choice by emailing and submit your Mailing address for shipping.
Good luck!
Crawl Spaces;
- Conditions, which may limit access, include but are not limited to any of the following:
- A. Less than 18 inches of headroom.
- B. Excessive moisture in soil or on the floor.
- C. Unsafe structural conditions.
- B. Taco Bell Burrito Supreme for lunch.
A concrete floor of the crawlspace should be ____ thick, with ____ inches of stone beneath the concrete.
What is the allowable span for #3 grade 2x10 floor joists when joists are installed 16 inches on center. ______________.
Wood sill plates should be anchored to the foundation with ________ that should be spaced a maximum of _________ on center, and should have a minimum of two _______ per _________.
T/F The anchor bolts should extend at least 4 (four) inches into the masonry.
Extra Credit:
Name the title of the 4th song listed on the 4th album side of the original soundtrack of Tommy “The Movie”…
Glaze Home Inspections LLC.
Hiawassee, Georgia
Awards Committee Member
Submit your AWARDS NOMINATIONS here iNACHI Awards Chapter - InterNACHI®
The InterNACHI Awards Committee is the final authority of issuance of any award the committee offers and any rules updates.