Radon Test

Radon is an Environmental Concern… not a Health concern…
Why it is regulated by the EPA and not DOH…


It’s a environmental concern leading to possible health effects.

Next you’ll tell me cigarettes are not a health concern.:roll:

Cigarettes are a Health Concern…
why it comes under the regulation of the Department of Health…
with a Surgeon General warning on every Pack…

How come Radon does not???/

If gobbermint makes sense to you you are in the wrong buisness;-)

Actually there is a warning: http://www.epapsa.com/campaigns/surgeongeneral/ , they want to raise the awareness of radon- its good for business…order some of the propeganda!

As long as your machine is calibrated I would not be concerned with 33.4. As for the discussion on the charcoal versus the CRM. I started out using charcoal canisters and did a lot of research prior to purchasing a CRM. I agree with Mike that most evidence supports that charcoal is just as accurate (if not more accurate than some machines) within the same testing conditions. One concern with the charcoal is that the half-life of radon is 3.8 days. So, in theory if your canisters get delayed in the mail it could affect the results but I know must people send it 1 day.
The reason I switched to CRM was because I could not find a way to ensure that the home owner did not move the canisters and this was a personal concern. I wanted to have some control over the validity of the test. The CRM has motion sensors and monitors temp and humidity which help validate the test. In my area the realtors and clients seem to like the immediate results that I can provide on-site, compared to competition using the charcoal canisters. In the end both methods provide similar accuracy and both are excepted ways of testing…it simply comes down to preference.